Full text of "BYUtah"
Brigham Yollffg University ',-
3 0
President Board of Trustees
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r^'j^^ T:Eiiii^ 'Buo'Si
HO would be without a year book if one is within
reach? To me it is more than my diary, my history,
or my biography. It is our diary, our history, our
biography; and that which is ours is always more
than that which is mine, as the we is more than the
1 or the me.
I know that clasped within its covers are scenes
and sentiments, which in time to come will freshen
memory's fading colors, and help me to live o'er
and o'er one epoch of my eternity, so full of life and
love and labor well enjoyed.
The year book is intrinsically of the school and
for the school. To the stranger it is a sealed vol-
ume. It is a current reflex of what the school has
stood for from the student's point of view.
^]k(B 'W>]pMM ^Lfid Mmi ©if itjia IB.T. W.
IPs-dgMdaii^ 'SsDTgs 32. IBiri^nlhiiM
i T may not be amiss to state in brief what the school has aimed to stand
for from the point of view of the Board of Trustees and the Faculty.
First, and foremost, has been the aim of spiritual growth, that is,
love of the Lord and loyalty to His word. His ways, and His institu-
tions. To this end the school has stood for a fixedness of purpose,
that is ever gaining strength, based upon ideas that are at once fun-
damentally unchangeable, yet ever progressive.
It has stood for evolution WITH our simple faith, not an evolu-
tion FROM our simple faith; a growth WITH our infant purity,
never a growth FROM it; an advancement WITH simple truth, and
never FROM it. It has stood for a spiritual atmosphere through
which not only a knowledge OF God but an acquaintance WITH
Him might be obtained.
A picture of College Hall might be taken, the singing of the
choir, the prayer, the playing of the orchestra might be recorded on
an Edison cylinder, but our feelings during these devotional exer-
cises defy external representation — they are ours alone, sweet soul
The spirit of the school cannot be photographed, neither can it be seen or
heard. No one set of organs can make it interpretable, — even a simultaneous
effort of all one's mental faculties cannot grasp it. Its comprehension requires
the awakening of that which underlies the intellect, when one says, "I know, but
how I know, I know not."
The school has stood for intellectual culture, meeting the institutional schol-
astic requirements of the age, and even going beyond them in providing a larger
field of choice for individual aptitudes than is usually found elsewhere. It has
maintained a consistent balance between cultural and industrial education. The
Faculty slogan has been, "students shall not be led into mental mists, nor shall they
be permitted to form the habit of failing."
The Faculty and Student Body have stood together for clean sports and
cultural dancing. The School has fostered such recreation as enriches the insti-
tution and elevates the individual. It has had joy over conquest, without exulta-
tion over the defeat of others. The school has stood for reciprocity between the
Student Body and the Faculty. The former has had no occasion to make a de-
mand, the latter no cause for issuing a command.
College Song.
Arr. by J. R. Crandell
1. All hail
2. Thare is
the college that we
no emblem half so
\9 vT f-p— ^— -g~ -g— «-j — I. 4s>X r — ^-X^ -
-1 1-
At the throne, the
As our col - ors,
throne of wisdom's sway. Oh, let
col - ors pure and true; There is
r-1 — «i— ^
* — #-
I L L L Tp-
U8 lift our songs above
no banner that we greet,
The thronging mul-ti - tude
Like thee, oar dear old White
to - day. No
and Bine. No
g— #— #
:f: f: f:
L. L
D.g i i
"P ■ ■ »-
pride of ri'-hes here may sue:
youth its beauty e'er de - nies;
The head.the heart, the hand, U - nit - ed
Such thought no maid allowa. For blue is
must be true —
in her eyes —
to thee, our White and Blue,
is in her bon - nie eyes.
I 1 — I —
hap - py
thought - ful
When they join
And of white
Then cheer a-
new for the B.
-«- -«-
. We've come to work, to live to
-»i— h
■frti-f: t- * -^
do; We'll raise the stan - dard-
-»— • — ii — «-
■■»— !•-
1 I T — ^— ^-J — ^— r'
■35-* — * •— .» — H — ^ — S — • — ^
list time.
V 2nd time.
Our hearts are true to the B
1 ' I '
Y. U Then cheer a-
— — — •— H^*^-! I ^—^w '^^ — ,_z:]j
EARLY four decades have passed, since the 16th day of October, 1875,
when the Brigham Young Academy, now the Brigham Young Uni-
versity, held its opening session.
Our first ten years were spent in Lewis Hall, a two-story brick
building, which site is now occupied by the Farmers and Merchants'
Bank. Those who put time and money into the erection of that
building had no idea that it would ever be used for a school. It was an
amusement hall up stairs, with a stage at the end. Down stairs it
was a dry goods store.
When Dr. Maeser, with his two assistants, and his little band of
earnest students, (the original twenty-nine), first invaded that build-
ing, they made the amusement hall a house of prayer by day, and at
night dedicated it to lectures and wholesome amusements.
The curtain was retained and the stage converted into a class
room. Accounts from early students tell us that mice and bats held
high carnival there by night, and not infrequently during the day,
some mouse, braver than his fellows, would sally forth to the dismay
of the ladies and utter destruction of discipline of the school.
But all this was of small moment for the great teacher was there, as also a
class of students with whom large exchange of soul was possible.
Every decade of the history of the institution has produced good and efficient
business men, but the first decade is marked by the presence of these persons who
are first among our statesmen, college presidents, and lawyers.
Senator Reed Smoot and Senator George Sutherland are of this number, also
Judge William H. King, who served in the lower house of Congress.
James E. Talmage has stood as Chief Executive both of the L. D. S. Uni-
versity and of the University of Utah. Dr. Benjamin Cluff, Jr., was the second
president of the Brigham Young University, while Joseph M. Tanner served as
president both of the B. Y. College, and the State Agricultural College, of
Logan. George H. Brimhall is president of the Brigham Young University.
Added to the names of the two eminent lawyers who have represented us in
Congress we would add the names of Judge Scimuel R. Thurman and Judge
Joshua Greenwood.
The major part of the time of the second decade was spent in the Z. C. M. L
Ware House, at the foot of Academy Avenue. Fire had consumed Lewis Hall
and for a brief period we were homed in the basement of the old tabernacle cind
in S. S. Jones' store on Academy Avenue.
But the Ware House became our permanent home — that strange rectangular
building, without ornament or architectural design, built for a packing house, its
red bricks dulled long ago by the smoke of passing engines.
Partitions were placed within the building, that suitable rooms for devotional
exercises and class recitations might be provided. Many will recall those old class
rooms, with their white pine board partitions on three sides, and windows let in
the sun in roughest possible manner.
Nothing could present a greater contrast than the class room at the old Ware
House, and the class room in the Maeser Memorial. At the Memorial every
touch of wood and every window is an ornament ; at the Ware House every win-
dow and every touch of wood shocked one's sense of finish. None ever there will
forget how often the shriek of the railroad locomotive broke into the sequence
and harmony of our class recitations.
A marsh, close at hand, sometimes bearing cresses, which we added to our
noon meal, at other times putting forth the harsh nettle, with which we stung both
hands and feet, was our only campus. Gymnasium we had none.
But those days are hallowed days, to the students of that time, for they
brought hours of exaltation to both mind and spirit. The faculty was consid-
erably enlarged. This second decade brought forth two groups of students, dis-
tinguishing themselves particularly in medicine and mathematics.
A group of five or six, who have turned to medicine, will be remembered by
the students of that day, for of that number are Dr. George Middleton, Dr.
Samuel H. Allen, and Dr. E. G. Gowans ^^l^!!8f|^A*«««s»-
On the list of those inclined towards mathematics we shall place the names
of Dr. Richard R. Lyman, head of the department of Civil Engineering, at the
University of Utah, Caleb Tanner, State engineer for many years, and Professor
Earnest D. Partridge and Professor Joseph L. Home.
There are some other persons of this period who must not be passed by.
First on the list is State Supt. A. C. Nelson, and in quick succession follow the
names of B. S. Hinkley, of the Deseret Gymnasium, Salt Lake, Edwin S. Hinkley.
dean of our College, and Prof. A. C. Lund who had done so much to make the
next decade famous for musical artists.
Before we had reached the third decade our first principal headed the pro-
cession which led us triumphantly to our new home, on North Academy Avenue,
the present High School Building. We were very proud of our new home.
Here Dr. Maeser resigned and Dr. Benjamin Cluff, Jr., was made president.
President Cluff's term expired two and one-half years before the completion of the
third decade, and since that time Dr. Geo. H. Brimhall has been president.
The school increased and expanded on all sides. Not one building but a
group of buildings soon graced the campus, made lovely by the presence of trees
and flowers both rare and beautiful.
Things unknown before now became part of the school life and activity. Lit-
erary contests, athletic contests, curt and manual training, and agriculture exhibi-
tions, dramatic performances, and the presentation of operas, very unusual for a
school of our years and experience, all became part of the regular regime.
Teachers, preachers, and business men are found again upon the roll of honor.
Some of their names are household words where the story of the institution's
growth is told, for they are of the number who have contributed most gener-
ously for our material comfort. The names of Jos. R. Murdock, Wm. J. Knight,
Raymond Knight, W. L. Mangrum, Eugene R. Allen, Inez K. Allen and Jennie
B. Knight are suggestive of this last group.
Another group of physicians are noted, as also a group of college professors,
but this third decade is conspicuous in our history for the artists.
The names of Mrs. Fay Loose Stiehl and David Reese are given merely to suggest
the noted group of soloists who came before and after Mabel Borg. William Hansen,
Asael Nelson, Ralph Booth and Clarence Hawkins are of another group efficient in in-
strumental work. Orson Campbell, Calvin Fletcher, and Aretta Young must tell the stoi-y
of our painters; while that of Annie Pike Greenwood. Susa Talmage and Elsie Carol
Chamberlain must bring to mind those famous in song and story. The fourth decade is
more than half gone. We have passed from the building on North Academy Avenue,
where daily the fruiter's cart is heard, to the hill side. In a palace of white, with the
majestic rockies behind us, God's blue sky above us, and His blue lake in front, we have
planted our College. Its work has just begun. Its students are not yet thoroughly
tested, but a throng behind are crying, "See that you fail us in nothing." Yours the tiled
and marble stair. Make his utterance false who declared, "that this is an age of gold
but net a golden age."
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Thomas n Taylor,
B. F Larson.
e. H. HOLT.
Carl J. Slaoc.
First Vica-PRCsrocNT
JOSHUA Greenwood.
JOHN D. Dixon.
E. S. HINCKLEY. Chairman
R. E. Allen
JOS. B. Keeler
James W. Paxman
The Alumni Association of the B. Y. U. has furnished many of the leading men of the West
for the past thirty years. These men have always been true and loyal to their Alma Mater.
Besides the things accomplished outside the 'school, the Association has recently superintended
the building of the Maeser Memorial at a cost of $114,000. Every dollar of this amount wrill have
been paid by June 1, 1913. There is not a more beautiful school building in America than the
The Association has, this year, under the management of Prof. A. B. Christensen, bought
forty-two acres of land just behind the Maeser. It has laid out a townsite, christened it Manavu,
and is now selling lots at a reasonable price. This is to be one of the most beautiful of college
towns. Do you want a lot?
Do you think the Alumni have decided to stop here? They have great plans for the future.
Already a college hbrary is being provided for, and plans for new buildings on Temple Hill are
laid. Such men as Professors Hinckley, Christensen. and Keeler have put the strength of their
restless souls into the cause and have determined to build for the B. Y. U. grand and stately
T}«>. a,v.u.
Parowan, Utah
The last female survivor of the class.
Of the little suffragette we are proud.
"Tis the last rose of summer
Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone;"
And for bonnie Anna Olle
We would lay us down and de.
Pleasant Grove. Utah
A genius is Junius, and yet not a
mere dreamer. He finds "sermons in
stones, books in the running brooks."
Has relatives, by name, in every town
of the state. Very religious, yet finds
some good in Socialism. He has but a
single aim in life — the chair of geology
in the B. Y. U.
Provo, Utah
A dignified English country gentle-
man. He both "orates" and debates.
Loves President Brimhall and himself.
Ineligible to office of President of
United States, but expects to become
Chief Justice of Supreme Court. On
the matrimonial fence. He has brought
many honors to the B. Y. U.
Provo, Utah
A mighty mfm is he with large and
tender heart, Principal of the Sub-High
School of the B. Y. U. As such he has
started many a youngster on the right
"If he's a watchin' on his beat,
He'll tramp from east to west.
And north to south — in cold and heat
He does his level best.
Provo, Utah
A tall, spare young man with a char-
acteristic Lincoln pose. A fluent ora-
tor and skillful debater. Gritty, too,
and has learned —
"To dream — and not make dreams his master;
To think — and not make thoughts his aim;
To meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same."
Provo, Utah
This enterprising genius has traveled
the country over and done many things.
In his line are automobiles, photo-
graphs, peaches, and geology. At
present he is trying to mix farming and
teaching. Disastrous to farming.
Provo, Utah
Big, good-natured "Jim." Noted for
his copy of the Taft smile. A profound
student of agriculture and politics, with
a slight sprinkling of poetry. Future
title, U. S. Secretary of Agriculture.
Provo, Utah
A practical man is our class presi-
dent. "Slightly severe and a little aus-
tere." "He hears merry tales and
smiles not." Dancing he abhors ; emu-
lates Miles Standish. Mathematics and
Physics are the joy of his soul, his cloud
by day and his pillar of fire by night —
scrapper, too.
Provo, Utah
Features, ruddy, rugged, Teutonic.
Magnificent, good humor, even under
adverse rulings. Has debated.
"It's easy enough to be pleasant
When life flows along like a song.
But the man worth while is the one who will
When everything goes dead wrong."
Santa Clara, Utah
Born and "come up in Dixie."
Known nowhere except in the class
room, and at 42 East, Eighth North
Street. It is rumored that he is mar-
ried. A philosophical mathematician,
and a mathematical psychologist. "Re-
den ist Silber, schweigen ist golden."
Colonia Dublan, Mexico
A San Peter by birth and complex-
ion, a Mexican by rearing and speech,
and a B. Y. Utonian by education and
engagement, "Harris" stands "four
square to all the winds that blow."
Equally persistent in Love or in Chem-
istry, he gives promise of succeeding in
both. He is low of speech and quiet in
manner, but a maker and lover of a sly
joke. As a charter member of the class
he has experienced all its downs and
Provo, Utah
Puflfing and panting, he is trying hard
to keep up with the educational band
wagon. He has for his inspiration,
"Never say die till you are dead."
"Gray hairs ?t twenty?
Yes, white, if you please.
Where the snow-flakes fall thickest.
There's nothing can freeze."
Provo, Utah
Poor financier; better pedagogue.
"How much better is it to get wisdom
than gold ! And to get understanding
than silver." Debates but never sings.
His growth went into his vocabulary.
"To be or not to be ; that is the ques-
Payson, Utah
"He who makes two blades of grass
to grow where but one grew before is a
benefactor of his race." Mr. Ober-
hansley is a firm believer in this senti-
ment and expects to become a great
benefactor of mankind — by proxy.
Provo, Utah
He does not come within the poet's
category of those who are fit for trea-
sons, stratagems, etc., because they
have no music and mathematics in their
souls. Motto of his hfe : "Always cross
a bridge before you reach it, but never
go back and stand on it after you have
once passed it."
Colonia Dublan, Mexico
An American by birth, a Mexican by
residence, a Scandinavian by complex-
ion, a philosopher by education.
"Verily, he is a shrewd philosopher.
And has read every text and gloss over.
Whate'er the crabbed'st author saith
He understands b' implicit faith:
Whatever sceptic can enquire for;
For ev'ry why he has a wherefore."
Provo, Utah
Of a poetic temperament and with
agricultural proclivities. Professor
Smart has clearly demonstrated that —
"In the mud and scum of things
There's always something that hums and
A strong advocate of the "back-to-the-farm"
Paris, Idaho
Editor and "chief push" of Byutah.
Has "a smile that is childlike and
bland." A leader of men without ap-
pearing so ; rules with a rod of kindness.
He's a philosopher and can use English
well enough to prove he is, but still he's
not well balanced — his mind is bigger
than his body.
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Recently a Hoosier, now a welcome
Utahn. "So when even was come, the
lord of the educational vineyard saith
unto his steward 'Call the labourers
and give them their hire."
"And when they came that were
hired about the eleventh hour, they re-
ceived every one a sheepskin."
One of the "big guns" of Mexico
(not of the Huerta type). "A plain,
blunt man who loves his friends," but
"Full o' the milk of human kindness."
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Pleasing personality,
Energetic debater,
Ambitious student,
Rousing orator,
Leading ex-sufTragette.
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Sprouted in Dixie, blossomed and
fruited in Mexico, and is ripening in
Provo. Likes Oratory, History, and
Religion. Generally found on the right
side, and stronij where found.
As "scratch" man in oratory, winner
of debates. Editor of the White and
Blue and pet of all the girls, "Charley"
will soon be like Alexander, looking for
more worlds to conquer.
Santa Clara, Utah
The only non-foreigner in the class,
and its president. Not a skylight, but
a corner stone. Conscientious, studi-
ous, married, and happier than he looks.
.Who 'limy are said 'w'srd-i 'ihiij "toe"
^BlRST, then, by comparison let us distinguish this choice specimen of the
schoolman, the Soph. He is not a Freshie for he has so far evolved as
to have shed his scales of green, and to have shaken the burrs and hay-
seeds from the wooly mat on the convex side of his dome. No longer
is it necessary for him to smite his heels hard when walking in order that
his presence in College may be known, nor to spend his nickels for opera
bars in order to get something he can do. Neither has he yet acquired
the fossilizing habits of the Junior. He is yet a social creature and not
a bookworm; he can yet recognize a fellow being as such, and can still
exchange a pleasant word or a smile for even money. And thank for-
tune he is not yet a Senior, with his head in the clouds and his mind
"beyond the bounds of time and space," deigning to come to earth occa-
sionally for its good, not for his own.
What is a Soph, then? He is a student bearing the same general
outline as others, but differing in perfection of detail. He is sufficiently
profound, with the childish follies of a Freshie laid aside, and with a keen
appreciation of the value of time and opportunity. He studies early and
late ; works hard and plays vigorously. But he is yet natural enough
that he can be pleasant, and meek enough that he can be taught.
Oh! who wouldn't be one of these healthy, happy, solid, sensible,
cheerful, charming Sophs? All the lower classmen are trying to become
Sophs, and only his unconquerable zeal and incomparable record which
thrust upon him the credits that compel him to enter a higher class could
ever make the Soph anything but a Soph.
Other classes may enumerate their achievements in order to attract
attention. We purposely refrain. The honors accumulated by our
heroic band is far too lengthy for a brief history. Besides, our modesty
forbids any such self-praise.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Class President. On the square,
as broad as he is tall.
Fountain Green, Utah
Do not think you are a musician
because you can fiddle.
Tetonia, Idaho
Would be happier if the day were
longer; belongs to the only class in
school without race prejudice.
Payson, Utah
Sings in the choir quite a bit and
reads the Bible a whole lot.
Springville, Utah
Vice President. A lady in the true
sense of the word.
Springville, Utah
Conquers with silence. 2001 to
the ton.
Springville, Utah
Y. in baseball and basket ball.
Y. fe in Springville.
Y. et flirting.
Spring City, Utah
A modern Lochinvar has come out
from Sanpete. His "speed" is the
swiftest, his charms all complete.
Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Very modest. Has high ideals,
and works that correspond to those
Bloomington. Idaho
Jolliest member of the class.
Loved by those who know her. and
most by those who know her best.
The most distinguished member of
the class. President of the student
body for two years. Is on the way
to the White House.
Guadalupe, Mexico
"In the spring, a young man's
fancy." Yes, you bet he is.
Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Since she left Mexico there has
been constant rebellion; since she
has been at the B. Y. U., Utah has
had peace.
Eureka, Utah
Small of stature, but large in self
ais 5
|N October 28th, 1912, a bunch of green, but determined freshmen
met at the Brigham Young University and organized the class of 1916.
The position of a first year student is not very desirable, his awkward-
ness makes him the laughing stock of the older students and the
strangeness of his environment fills him with homesickness, but there
are some advantages even in being a freshman — he has no "condi-
tions" of former years to "work off;" he does not have to worry about
his thesis, for he has plenty of time to prepare that later; and he is
free to choose his line of study, because he has not as yet closed the
gate to amy pursuit by specialization.
And so they met and elected their numerous officers ; all of whom
have been forgotten except the president, Mr. Kenneth Parkinson, the
two vice presidents. Miss Lottie Gibson and Mr. Chauncey Baird, and
the secretary, Mr. Leland Farrer : and despite the handicap they were
under, they began at once to make their presence in the institution
known. The night of Nov. 5th, they had a grand parade in honor of
the fact that a new president had been chosen; then, withdrawing
from the noisy streets to the quiet rink, they skated until midnight.
Class meetings of the Freshmen were held twice a month and each meeting
was an actual party. Besides these regular events they found time to give, on
November 20th, a "Japanese progression" party in which Mr. Stewart Horsely,
Miss Vivian Parkinson, Miss Lottie Gibson, and Miss Ethel Taylor were the
hosts: and, that those who could not go home for the Thanksgiving recess might
find entertainment, another party was given on November 29th, at the skating
Not realizing what their joy would cost, for they were unexperienced in the
ways of college life, they spent the first semester in a "real jolly good time" and,
when the "exams" were over, they saw that they were growing more like the other
students — they now had some "conditions" to remove. Alarmed at this new
phenomena, they called a meeting, dismissed their old officers and elected a more
conservative set. The new executive consisted of Mr. O. F. Call, Miss Marian
Andelin, and Dr. Dean Clark, the old secretary Mr. Farrer being retained.
The class has entertained once since this terrible discovery, that was at the
grand ball given in the Mozart on February 5th. The party was open to the
general student body and has been pronounced "the big dance of the season."
And this is the history of the Freshmen class, but before closing it should be
mentioned that there are three special honors held by the 1916's: the winning of
the cross country race on November 27th. by Mr. Wayne Hales; the success of Mr.
John W. Carter in the Christmas prize contest; and the defeat of all the other class
teams in basket ball by the first year boys. They edso furnished one man, Mr.
Rollen Tietjen, for the inter-collegiate debating teams.
46 Andelin, Marian
5 Anderson, A. H.
14 Anderson, Lorin A.
3 Baird, Brigham Y.
38 Baird, Chauncey
47 Baird, Orrin
48 Bastian, Niels
49 Biddulph, Samuel
50 Brady, W. A.
43 Bullock, Jas. A.
10 Call, Oel F.
Chandler, Fannie
51 Childs, Chauncey
52 Christensen, Elwood
36 Christensen, E. Milt.
53 Christensen, Jas. M.
45 Clark, Dean
54 Clark, Venice
55 Clove, Frank
56 Cooper, Sherman
57 Colvin, Nellie
17 Chipman, Howe
SS.Crandall, Agnes L.
59 Cutler, Guy C.
26 Dalby, Vern C.
60 Davis, Ray
25 Day, R. Erael
61 Duke, Anna
62 Emert, May
63 Evert, Anna
40 Fcirrer, Leland J.
64 Finley, John
65 Gammell, Reid
27 Gardner, Ray
66 Gibson, Lottie
67 Giles, Vera
68 Goold, Frank
69 Greene, Florence
70 Greenwood, Aaron
71 Greenwood, Lawr'ce
28 Greenwood, Vern
Hamblin, Maude
34 Hales, Wayne B.
72 Hatfield, Nettie
11 Higgins, Jessie R.
32 Hinckley, Manerva
73 Hogan, Isabell
74 Holmes, Mary
30 Huish, Mamie
42 Horseley, Stewart
75 Jensen, Eliza E.
76 Jerman, Alonzo
9 Jacobson, Rufus
20 Johnson, Glenn
77 Kimball, Ranch S.
22 Knudsen, Vern O.
78 Lewis, Hazel
79 Lewis, Myrl
8 Lindburg, Geo. B.
24 Loveless, Edna
80 Magleby, Erma
Meldrum, Albert
81 Miller, Edna
82 Mitchell, Sadie
84 Newton, W. Ray
15 Nelson,
44 Noyes, Lyman W.
85 Pack, Wm. C.
1 Packard, Feme
41 Page, Geo. W.
12 Parkinson, Ken. N.
2 Parkinson, Wm.
86 Parkinson, Vivian
87 Peterson, Clara V.
88 Peterson, Emma
35 Pritchett, Roland
18 Ritchie, Ella
89 Roylance, Merline
23 Scott, Inez
90 Slaugh, Franklin
13 Smith, J. Fish
91 Snow, Anna
37 Spilsbury, D. Leslie
39 Swensen, Leone
19 Southwick, Lawre'ce
92 Stewart, P. Roy
7 Stout, Emerald
93 Sundwall, Mary
16 Tanner, Vasco M.
94 Taylor, John C.
33 Taylor, Lester
95 Tegan, Marcus N.
21 Tietjen, Roland
96 Tippetts, Irvine
29 Wanless, Stanley
97 Watson, Fern
98 Whitwood, E. G.
6 Wigginton, Cleo
4 Wilkinson, Eunice
31 Winn, Frank
99 Wrathall, Irene
100 Young, Lothield
STOP - — - Look.
T3«VI'0 T? ulOHN
:£ni^ioxy 'ji ijia 11. £i. 13^3
OW timid, shrinking, and fearful we felt as yearlings when our
friends the "sophs." "juns." and "sens," hooted us for being under the
unlucky graduating star of '13. But our fears were foolish, and their
jeers proved no wiser.
"Tonight at 4 o'clock in 24 H. the First Years will hold their first
meeting for the purpose of organization," methodically announced a
professor from the rostrum early in the school year of 1909. Such the
humble announcement of the birth of an organization containing
members destined to achieve school, state, and world distinction.
With this first announcement new forces began to operate, and
four days later, October 8th, these activities crystalized into a com-
plete class organization, launched for a four year's voyage of threat-
ened "hard luck."
Did this unlucky class flounder or founder? Let us see.
Founder's Day came. The coach urged us to enter some of our
men, and try at least for fourth place. The events were "pulled off."
The official announcer read the final scores and lo ! two of those "un-
luckies," Baird and Workman, took first places, respectively, in the
100 yard dash and the shot put.
At once the entire class came to a realization of its capabilities, and jumped
enthusiastically into all school activities. No more did the mill stone, "13 and
hard luck," pull us down to the bottom of student life.
A year later found us as much alive as ever. We added a new officer to our
organization who made us drive the "hoodoo" entirely away from the name "thir-
teen" by keeping us yelling "Reih, Rah, Rah ; Rah, Rah, Rah ; Rah, Rah, Rah —
13's, 13's, 13's." And soon we had occasion to keep this yell ringing for one
whole half day. It was at the annual spring class meet of 1911, where we captured
the coveted "First Place" with a record of 32 points.
"Say, we'll have to subdue those 13's or they will take everything," remarked
one of the wise "12's." And he guessed it just right. We took all track meets,
and the baseball and basketball events the next year. That was when we were
In the summer following, July, 1912, came the glad news from Stockholm that
Alma Richards, our "13-star" athlete had won the World's Championship high
jump. Forthwith we hastily procured an iron band to clamp around the head
of that mighty 13 class. "Hard," did you other fellows say?
As there was nothing higher than World's Championships for our athletes to
win, our class turned, during its last year, from the athletic field to the intel-
lectual. Here, too, our success was phenomenal. Teachers and students alike
admired our spirit and success.
Nor at any time have we lost sight of our class motto, "Aim High, Work
Hard, Be Noble." Growing from a bashful, awkward bunch of youngsters to our
present more desirable position, we have undergone many changes and endured
some hardships. But our experiences were enjoyable as well as profitable. As
High School students we must say good-bye. We recall the many experiences of
our school life with fond recollections, and feign would live over again those
joyous times.
mm. €
Anderson, Parley
Adams, Ernest
Adams, Albert
Adams, Hazel
Berry, Eulalia
Bonner, Eva
Bonnett, Muriel
Bailey, Ora
Beck, Karl
Baird, William
Bams, Ileen
Berry, J. O.
Baird, Clarence
Billings, Leon
Brimhall, Andrew
Baird, Edwin
Bee, Jane
Cluff, Alene
Clayton, James P.
Crandall, J. Rufus
Crook, Velma
Calder, Leo
Crane, Jennie
Carpenter, Ethel
Dusenberry, Margaret
Daw, Albert W.
Duke, D. C.
Eggertson, Eudora
Erickson, Ferd
Fordum, Karl
Giles, Vera
Glazier, Forrest
Hinckley, Lenore
Halverson, Ernest
Harris, Barry W.
Holladay, Howard
Holman, Parley
Ingram, Kate
Ingram, Maud
Jackson, J. M.
Jenkins, Joseph
Jenkins, Hyrum
John, David R.
Jensen, Arthur
Jacobson, Rufus
Lewis, Ezma
Lund, Thomas
Larsen, Cloe
Lindsay, Ruth
Mayers, James
Miner, Thorn
Merkley, Mary
Mitchell, Charles
Miller, Snell
Oliver, Jesse
Peterson, Brigham
Perkel, Edna
Pyne, Herbert
Powelson, Elma
Randall, J. W.
Robinson, Arnold
Robbins, Archie
Snyder, Merle
Spafford, Ann
Smith, Mary
Southwick, Albert
Sumsion, J. Bert
Stott, Leo
Smith, Ida
Van Wagoner, Louie
Vance, Nina
Willardson, Anthony
Warner, Roland
li You Can't I.aagh at the Jokes of the Age,
Langh at the Age of the Jokes
Meouw !
Hal — "Do I make myself plain?"
Merle — "Somebody has, if you haven't."
Tillie to Howe — "What did you say to Pearl when you made up your mind
you wanted to marry her?"
Howe — "I said, yes, dear."
Every summer, when the Biological Department of the B. Y. U. is not in
session it is necessary, through the prolific increase of the canine breed, for the
city authorities to enact laws imposing a heavy tax on male and female dogs. The
authorities of the city are becomingly modest and through this modesty have
made the ordinance to read : "Tax on each dog — male one dollar, vice versa, three
Prof. Jensen in History — "Why was Mary Queen of Scots bom in Linlith-
Merle M. — "Because her mother staid there," — and there was nothing more
to be said on the subject.
Dean Brimhall soliloquizing — "Any fool can get married, but it takes a man
of nerve to resist the temptation until he can afford such luxury."
Friendship is a reciprocal endurance of mutual egotisms.
The desire for sympathy is like morphine, it forms a habit.
The linguist is enabled, by education, to make a fool of himself in a variety of
Every man has his religion, with some it is witch hazel.
Imagination is the gift of God zind the instrument of the devil.
Jimmie giggled when the teacher read the story of the Roman who swam
across the Tiber three times before breakfast. "You do not doubt that a trained
swimmer could do that, do you, James?"
"No, sir," answered Jimmie, "but I wonder why he didn't make it four and
get back to the side his clothes were on."
He looked in a store window and saw "hats reduced."
"Heavens!" said he to himself, "what were their originzd size?"
In a corridor of one of the University of Texas buildings there is a large
Replica of "The Winged Victory." A waggishly inclined student observed the
headless, armless, footless, statue, and wrote underneath: "God pity defeat."
illiJ-i: Di-y oi 1 £;14 J-i S=
NCE upon a time (Sept. 15, 1910) from the North, South, East and
West, there gathered together at the B. Y. U., a group of boys and
girls. Inexperience made us bold. Therefore, the opening of the huge
front door did not shock our nerves, but once inside, the sight of the
hall-ways, stairs, and doors disturbed our r. ental equilibrium, and we became be-
wildered. Preconceived visions of success came to our memory, and stimulated
thereby, we spurred onward, not even noticing the jeers of the older students,
passing in the hall-way.
Ambition burned in our veins, determination gleamed in our eyes, and before
October 15th we were organized into a solid, vigorous class. Mr. Orvil Morrison
was chosen first class President.
Immediately following the organization, a handshake, the eighth wonder of
the world to us, served as an introduction into society. The handshake was fol-
lowed by a skating party.
Later reorganization became necessary, and the class continued on its journey
with Marion Harris as pilot. On we sped, successfully coping with each problem
that came to us, until the spring class meets were upon us. When the smoke of
contest had cleared away our red and white banner with its brave inscription,
"Comin' down?" "Reckon Not!" waved proudly on the ridge of the grand stand.
This scored our first success over higher classes. A celebration in the moun-
tains manifested our joy.
Early in October, 1911, we organized. Will Stringham was chosen as guide.
On Founder's Day we again showed our superiority by winning from the 13's
H. S., the shoe lace rush, and later covered ourselves with victory by snatching the
pennant for the inter-class wrestling series, and also the girls' relay race. We
even dragged the First Years into the icy water of the mill-race, as they sped away
to the mountains for their annual festival.
Again, October 7, 1912, we exhibited our physical strength by winning a vic-
tory over the graduating class in a Founder's Day rope rush.
Bert Kinsey was chosen helmsman for the year, and the social opening was a
shadow party.
Then a slight cloud darkened our path, robbing us of the Basketball Pennant.
This, however, was only a reminder to broaden our views and make us more dil-
The ballots were cast once more, and for the third time Mr. Harris accepted
the kingly crown, and the Nineteen Fourteens passed on under his direction.
From the past all may see our ability.
From the past, all may see our aim;
From the past all may judge our future.
Just watch us climb and win.
iriDii cjiiii
Aydelotte, J. T.
Anderson, Rando
Aired, Afton
Adams, Ancil
Anderson, Walter
Ashton, Lester
Brayles, James
Boyle, James
Bown, Jesse
Bandley, Walter
Berry, Woodruff
Bliss, Edwin
Brown. John
Bown, Ella
Brimhall, Burns
Barkdull, Phillip
Beck, Erastus
Bee, Maurice
Bate, Tillie
Booth, Elsie
Clark, Stanley
Christensen, John
Clark, Rulon
Clark, Lois
Carrol, Joseph
Crowther, Lewis
Christiansen, Ray
Chipman, Wesley
Carlyle, Earl
Durfee, Cecelia
Daniels, Spafford
Davis, Edith
Eyring, Camilla
Ercanbrack, Sterling
Evans, Edwin
Farrer, Grace
Farrer, Gladys
Foster, Ruth
Fortie, Jowett
Fitzgerald, Athel
Fordham, Carl
Goodmansen, Reed
Gardner, John
Gibson, Arthur
Gee, Garda
Greenwood, Rhoda
Garrick, David
Huish, Elbert
Huish, Lenore
Harris, Leland
Holman, Clarinda
Harris, Marion
Howe, Ada
Houston, Rolley
Hamblin, Delsie
Hayes, Nellie
Haws, Vinna
Hyde, Orlene
Jones, Mae
Jones, Lucy
Jones, Enos
Jones, Hazel
Johnson, Hazel
Kinsey, Bert
Keeler, Eva
Knowlden, Robert
Kuhni, John
Knudson, Arthur
Knight, Reuben
Knight, Raymond
Knudson, Ernest
Love, Alta
Lockhart, Dan
Lambert, Reuben
Lundell, Edgar
Magleby, Woodruff
Magleby, Elma
Mangleson, Herman
Mayer, Clifford
Mecham, William
Monson, Mabel
McAllister, Richard
Monson, Lawrence
Murdock, Merle
Massey, Millard
McMurrin, Marie
Meldrum, Calvin
McDonough, Myrtle
Mathews, Phil
Needham, Rena
Neuton, Leon
Nelson, Elmer
Newell, Alice
Nielson, P. A.
Nelson, Iliah
Nichols, S. J.
Olsen, Eva
Orser, Lynn
Orser, Dee
Oaks, Weston
Pritchett, Vivian
Petersen, Nettra
Price, Frank
Petersen, Cecil
Petersen, Frank
Perkins, Ruth
Perkins, Nettie
Patten, Lois
Patten, Clara
Purcell, Ivan
Parks, Ray
Pierpont, Pauline
Randall, Walter
Russell, Anna
Raile, Francis
Reynolds, Leslie
Robinson, Edward
Robertson, Ruth
Richards, William
Roberts, Leon
Sellers, Joseph
Skinner, Phillip
Smith, Earl
Smith. T. W.
Slack, Roy
Shelley, Louie
Sewell, Perrie
Spafford, Marie
Snyder, Elva
Showalter, Victor
Skousen, Asenath
Smith, Lois
Stewart, Delbert
Samuels, Orin
Swensen, Wilford
Swallow, Thomas
Swensen, Reid
Selin. Henry
Whitlock. Merrill
Warner, Harold
Whitlock, Royal
Whittaker. M. H.
Wagstaff. Frank
Woolsey. Charles
Williams. Margaret
Wilde, Charles
Winn, Herman
Winn, Alice
HE first notice accorded the 15's H. S. class was the following remark,
which appeared in the "White and Blue:" "Sh-h. but wasn't that a
^ dangerous burst of the First Year class enthusiasm in College Hall
(^^^^^ Founder's Day?" soon after we entered school. During the remain-
ing term of 1911-12 various samples of class literary genius and social doings were
published in the same illustrious paper.
We made about as many mistakes es was possible for a class to make during
our eventful and intensely interesting first year. "Sunny Jim" certainly had some
reason for stating that "the first year's had held three class meetings, elected three
presidents, made three fizzles; and, if they kept on the way they'd started, in 1915
the school would graduate three hundred political bosses."
Our debaters lost to the "12's" by so narrow a margin that President Brimhall
was led to remark, "If the yearlings can do so well now, what will they do when
they're four year olds?"
Our wrestlers have "made good" and our debaters hope to. Nels says, "We
stand as good a chance as anyone," and he ought to know, he's one of them
Last year we began to realize what kind of school we have the privilege of at-
tending and what our student body stands for. Our deeds alone can say whether
we appreciate them or not.
^oll Sail
Anderson, James
Adams, Alexander
Alger, Vetta
Anderson, Edda
Asay, O. V.
Andseon, Niels
Anderson, Flossie
Anderson, Orvil
Anderson, Harold
Banks, Glen
Bullock. James E.
Berry, David
Baird, Samuel
Burr. Le Earl
Bonnett, Stanley
Bestelmeyer. Clara
Bestelmeyer. Kate
Bent. Earl
Beckstead. Tena
Bartholomew, H. L.
Baird. Freeman
Bodily, Edwin
Blake. Charles
Berry. Chloa
Bird, Merrill
Brimhall, Alean
Crandall, Glen
Clinger, Arthur
Child. Henry
Callaway. Nevada
Cunningham. Ray J.
Cheney, Jesse A.
Cluff, Theon
Clyde. Winnie
Calvin. Genevieve
Partridge, Alfred
Cheever, Stanley L.
Coleman. Williamelia
Cameron. Louis
Dally, Delores
Drollinger, Lee
Daniels, Dora
Downs, Claude
Daw. Walter
Davis. Bernice
Daley. David
Duffin. Stanley
Day. Heloise
Dunn. Harold
Evans. Clefford
Eyre. Floyd
Eggertsen. Algie
Fowers. Mary
Freckleton. Joseph
Fletcher. Eula
Fowler. H. A.
Frisby. Karl
Finlayson, Glen
Finch. Roche
Foote. Eldred
Fielding. Delia
Gardner. Glenn
Guyman. Delia
Gardner. Frank
Huish. Marguerite
Holdaway. Florence
Hardy. Ruth
Hanks. Tissy
Holdaway. Loris
Huber. Lee J.
Hugh. Jennie
Horsley, Murriel
Hutchinson. Lela
Hutchinson. Vivian
Harding, Jennie
Hoover, La Rhea
Hales. Miles
Hacking. Alice
John. Leila
Jones. Henry
Jenkins. Hattie
Jensen, Edna
Johnson, LaMar W.
Jensen. Wm. L.
Kartchner, Rachel
Knudsen, Luretia
Kitchen. Ladrum
Kartchner. Ruth
Kerr, Jennie
Knight, George
Kimber. Essie
Lewis. Reva
Lundell, Joseph
Lisonbee. Margy
Lundell. Gustaf
Miller. Edna
Miller. Grover
McAdams. Vearl
Mildenhall, Jno.
McCullough. Rhoda
Madsen. Leo
Mendenhall. Aaron
Nixon. Nina
Newell. Helen
Newell. Mary
Nelson. Virginia
Nicholes, Donald
Oldroyd, Irvin
Ollerton. Preston
Oakley. Delta
Ogden, Edward
Olson. Clora
Oliver, William
Poulson, Loring
Perry, Waldo
Packard. Virgil
Passey. Lorin
Peterson, Albert
Paxman. Grace
Pearson, Cyril
Phillips, Leila
Peterson. Maida
Potts. Ranchie
Paxman. Barbara
Purcell. Roy
Pierpont. Clifford
Riding, Ellis
Roberts, Murray
Russell, Melvin
Roberts. Geneve
Ross. Daison
Smoot, Erma
Soelburg. Joseph
Scoffield, Edwin
Shepherd. John D.
Steele. Ray
Scott. Irvin
Smith, George
Stringham, Ray
Stromness, Norman
Stagg, John
Stringham, Briant S.
Scott. Josephine
Slack. Orson
Sabin, Preal
Sherman. Stella
Searles. Alean
Stewart. Theressa
Stubbs. Ann
Taylor. Golden
Taylor, Arthur D.
Taylor. Bade
Trotter. Daisy
Taylor. Rachel
Taylor. Ruth
Udall. Carl
Van Wagoner. Earl
Van Wagonen, Fern
Van Wagonen, Harold
Williams, Edgar
Woolsey, Earl
Walker. Burwell
Wells. Elva
Whittaker. Zelda
Wride, Clinton
^ T>
HE greatest successes are derived from a class working under adverse
circumstances, with an aim for success. The '16 H. S. ranks as the
leader in this class. Altho entering a lean, lank, green, gawky class of
one hundred twenty-five sheep we are now ready to advance a strong,
stalwart class of leaders. Realizing the worth of moments we were not
slow in organizing and proceeding to accomplish the enormous task
before us. Mollis Aylett. a progressive San Peter, was ele;ted to fill the
initial position of President.
Class meetings and rousing parties were held, and renarkable abil-
ity was shown at the Founder's Day track meet. Our Basket Ball team
was on the jump from the start, losing only to the Freshmen in the
Championship contest. (Their speed was a marvel even to Coach
For our second semester a change was instituted. New officers
were elected, and David Manwaring was chosen to regulate the steer-
ing wheel. The progressive spirit has continued. One of the most
charming affairs of the season was given in the Sixth Ward Hall by
the 16's.
Our motto is "Ever onward to success."
Roll Giill
HOLLIS AYLETT, President. 1st Semester
DAVID MANWARING, President. 2nd Semester
CHRISTA ANDERSON. 1st Vice President
WILFORD EGBERT. Basketball Manager
WILLIAM SEWELL, Baseball Manager
LEWIS HARRIS. Yellmaster
LELAND REDD. "White and Blue" Rep., 2nd Sem.
DAVID MANWARING. "White and Blue" Rep.. 1st Sem.
Alexander, Katheryn
Allred. Merrice
Anderson, Parley
Allred. Zella
Asay. J. R.
Anderson, Clifton
Adams, Carlie
Adams, John
Bean, Ruth
Booth, Edwin
Baum, Murray
Baum, Vadis
Beckstead, Wesley
Bullock, Jennie
Buckner, Elmer
Beesley, Mariette
Brandley. Lewis
Bunnel, Ellwood
Brimhall, Afton
Brimhall, Enos
Cummings, Alma
Cummings, Pearl
Clayton, Arvil
Card, Reid
Crooks, Leland
Cutler, Marion
Collard. Glenn
Cluff, J. R.
Cordingly. Warren
Crandall, Lewis
Chamberlain, Hester
Clove, Ivy
Cook, Leland
Clyde, Dean
Clyde, Lynden
Carlile, William
Christensen. Earl
Corbett, Walter
Cummings, Wade
Christensen, Fern
Campbell, J. A.
Carrol, Susie
Cheney, Helen
Decker, Stanley
Dunn, Lora
Davis, Margaret
Eggertson, Grant
Egbert, Verda
Evans, George
Eyre, Clem
Ekins, Marie
Gines, William
Gines, Ivy
Goff, Vilate
Griffiths, Lewis
Grant. Elvia
Guyman. Gregg
Gourdley. Jos. P.
Gillespie, Lincoln
Harris, Karl
Harris, Ireta
Hill, Leila
Haycock, Thomas
Hinckley, Carlyle
Huntington, Robert
Hutchinson, Earl
Harris, Orson
Harris, Violet
Haywood, Ida
Holdaway, Lena
Jones. Leah
Jacobson, Cornelia
Jolley, Lamond
Jensen, John
Judd, Marguerite
Jones, Leland
Johnson, Matta
Jensen, Treda
Jensen, Mildred
Jensen, Paul
Johnston, Bert
Jones, Lee
Johnson, Eleanor
Jacques, Etha
Jones, Celia
Jensen, Alta
Johnston, Amy
Knudsen, Vera
Kenny, Bennett
Keeler, David
Kartchner, Zermia
Kinsey, Rolla
Lambert, Parley
Leetham, Alta
Lund, Weber
Lerwill, Jas. B.
Dundell, Francis
Lesueur Grover
Lemnon. Florence
McVernon, William
Meldrum. Geo. E,
Miles, Edgar
Mallary, Florence
Mix, La Rue
Massey, Arthur
Mulliner, Francis
Mangum, Woodruff
Murdock, Sylvia
McDonald, Whitney
McMurrin. Jeanette
Murphy, Beatrice
Madsen, Irma
Nainoa, Lily
Nicolas, Eugene
Neetham, Walter
Neilson. Glen
Overlaid, Ellis
Perry, Reva
Pyne, Sterling
Parry, Genevieve
Perry, WUda
Peterson, Orval
Parker, Nettie
Parke, H. L.
Pritchett, Leon
Robinson, S. B.
Redd. Jay
Redd, Anna
Rasmussen, Wilford
Roundy, Horace
Roberts, Clark
Russon, Wilford
Rhodes, May
Smith, Leatha
Stringham, Bemice
Smart, Leah
Swapp, Lorin
Stotwell, Eugene
Scott, Wayne
Steel, Lamont
Slack, Heber
Stone, Emma
Stewart, Carlos
Straw, Ellis
Smith, Herman
Smith, Dell
Smith, Emma
Sullivan, Cleo
Scorup, Edna
Smart, Thelma
Smith, Arthur
Simmons, Alma
Snow, Coleman
Smoot, Margaret
Sorenson, Orion
Taylor, Leona
Thurmand, Myrteen
Thacker, Olive
Tucker, Percy
Tangreen, Lucian
Van Wagener, Cloa
Walker, Monte
Wilkins, Lora
Whiting, Wayne
Webb, Grace
Wells, Ernest
Wells, Ruby
Wiles, Fred
Willardson, Peter
HEREVER educational institutions have been established in a state
not dominated by religious influence, intellectual development has
been the chief desideratum. Physical training has been provided
for to some extent, but moral education has been almost lost sight
of in the curricula. Perhaps it has been felt that the Churches would care for
the religious side of man's nature. But that they have not succeeded in this is
evident, and many eminent educators have voiced the opinion that our schools
must supply the need by providing moral and spiritual instruction.
The Brigham Young University is unique among the higher schools in that
it does this very thing — it supplies the stimula for the very existence of this great
institution, and in fact for the existence of the entire Church School System. So
distinguishing a feature must be entitled to careful consideration.
An intelligent faith in God, familiarity with the life and precepts of the di-
vine Teacher, the habit of prayer, an attitude of reverence towards things sacred
and a firm belief in the mission of the prophet Joseph Smith — surely these things
are far too important to be relegated to the rear during the education of your
son and your daughter. Do you not think so. Latter-day Saint parents?
At the head of the Theological Department is an earnest, thorough, experi-
enced, religious leader. President Joseph B. Keeler, who is ably assisted by a
strong corps of devoted men and women and sustained by that great character-
builder and faith-promoter. President George H. Brimhall. These, supplemented
by the Student Body organizations which stand firmly for the same lofty ideals,
have created an atmosphere where low motives and immoral conduct cannot sur-
vive, but where faith, clean habits and intelligent effort can prosper, to the salva-
tion of man and the glory of God.
VERY man has a philosophy of life. It is his conclusion whereby he
sums up the meaning of his experience and postulates the outcome;
it is his way of looking at things. Having a philosophy is not a mat-
ter of choice ; that is, one cannot have one or not, just as one pleases.
Everyone who thinks must have this fundamental basis, into which he fits his
daily life.
It is important, then, that we have a good philosophy. Atheism, or materi-
edism rules God out of the universe and seeks to explain all by blind force ; agnos-
ticism blights the mental and the moral life and leaves the holder groveling and
despairing in impenetrable darkness. It would be a matter of minor conse-
quence, if we made a mistake in our theories of light and electricity, or if we
erred in reading geological strata; but it is a grave and serious matter when we
go astray in the fundamental conceptions of life, its worth and destiny. It is said
that philosophy deals in vague speculations as it soars in the mist and the fog.
Let us grant that there is some truth in the criticism; but where is the field of hu-
man achievement where the mind of man has struggled for light, in which the
same criticism does not hold? It has been said again that "philosophy may not
bake bread for us, but it gives us God, freedom and immortality" — and we may
add that it gives a better flavor to the bread already baked.
As our school aims primarily to preserve and foster the religious life, we are
indeed fortunate in having at the head of the Department of Psychology and Phil-
osophy a man who is eminently capable of guiding our young people from the dan-
gers of atheism and agnosticism. Prof. Chamberlin has studied under the strong-
est philosophers in the East and the West. His basic purpose has been to save
the young men and women who study science, from the pit-falls of materialism
and to strengthen their faith in God and our people. That he has been success-
ful is the testimony of all who have achieved his view point.
HE destiny of the human race is largely in the hands of its educators.
It is they who bear the responsibility of developing the future citi-
zens of the state and the nation. The calling is a sacred one, and they
who choose it should be so saturated with its importcince that they pro-
ject the highest ideals into the future, and work to reach them. Nothing short of
a well-balanced unfolding of the child should satisfy them. For to be truly edu-
cated means to be well rounded out ; to be physically, intellectually, morally and
spiritually developed.
It is this kind of development that the Department of Education is emphasiz-
ing. It impresses its students with the importance of such ideals and gives them
the best methods and the best training available for their accomplishment. Pro-
fessor Brown, one of the leading educators of the state, takes pride in keeping his
department in close touch with the ideas of the leading educators of the day. Be-
fore returning home from his trip to the National Educational Association at Phil-
adelphia this winter, he visited some of the most successful schools in the United
States. The ideas he gained were given to his students to better prepare them for
active service as future educators.
N the English Department of the Brigham Young University a stu-
dent is able to receive instruction in all the branches that pertain to
this language, including philology, literary history, and oral interpre-
tation, as well as rhetoric, literature, and the study of the English
drama. Technical courses are offered in the works of all the greater authors
from the modem play writers to the early Anglo-Saxon poets, specied attention
being paid to the writings of Chaucer, Milton, and Shakespeare.
Throughout its entire curriculum, the aim of the Department is to create in
the students a desire for better literature, and even in the elementary rhetoric
courses, nothing of the mediocre is permitted. The results of this system need no
comment here, the excellent work of former students is a testimony of its success.
Professor Alfred Osmond, head of the Department, is one of the best quali-
fied teachers in the State. After completing his work in Utah, he graduated from
Haivard University, where he gained considerable prominence as a student of
Shakespeare. He is, besides, a writer of some eminence, having published a vol-
um.e of poems which rank high. He is asssisted by Professor Alice Reynolds, who
has spent her time since childhood in the pursuit of good literature, and who is
now prepared to give her students the benefits of her long application.
The elocutionary side of the Department is conducted by Miss Beatrice Camp.
Her wonderful powers of interpretation and unusual ability as a teacher are
thoroughly recognized throughout the state.
0, Utah! Oh, Mother!
1, who was born among thy mountains fair,
I, who was cradled in thy mountain air,
Memory turns my heart to thee in pain —
I, who shall never live with thee again.
No other love hath won my heart from thee.
O, Utah ! Mother ! Then forget not me !
None breathe who love thy mountains more than I,
Thy heaving lakes, thy burning sunset sky ;
That changing sapphire God hath set upon thee ;
The water of the great mysterious sea ;
Thy rivers gushing down through canyon rifts,
Where many a hoary-headed mountain lifts
His monarch crown of snow in summer's heat.
Still in my memory all these scenes repeat.
I look across the flat unbroken plains,
Out where the fiery, copper sunset stains
Both earth and sky — for thus they lie together,
Welded by Sol, the horizon for a ring
About the earth, set with the ruby sun.
And as mine eyes look west, so my thoughts run —
Out West ! My West ! O, Mountain Home !
Well — let it be ! And should I not return.
Yet shall this message through my silence burn;
Bury me there — O, Mountain Home, at rest —
At last at rest upon thy loving breast —
O, Utah ! Mother !
—The White and Blue.
HE excellent work being done in the Department of Ancient and Mod-
em Languages is attracting much attention. Students planning their
work for next year are choosing liberally from the courses offered in
Greek and Latin, as well as in German cuid French. To be conversant
in these languages is considered an accomplishment which not only promotes cul-
ture, but also adds materially in acquiring a knowledge of other subjects.
The College is fortunate in having in this department professors of rare abil-
ity. W. H. Chamberlain, professor of Ancient Languages, is especially gifted in
teaching Latin, German and Hebrew. He fully appreciates the importance of these
subjects and his interest in them is an inspiration to his students to prepare them-
selves to enjoy a bigger life.
Professors Christensen and Whittaker are not open to the charge that they
do not know their subjects. They have spent several years in Europe, acquiring a
thorough knowledge of French and German, and are prepared to teach these lan-
guages in a very efficient manner.
The department offers two courses in Hebrew, five in Greek, three in Latin,
eight in German, and seven in French.
HE student who goes through college without doing considerable work
in mathematics is handicapped when he enters active life. He finds
he has neglected a side of his education which would have aided him
in being more useful as well as in enjoying a richer life.
The Department of Mathematics ofTe rs a very complete line of work. Eleven
different courses are offered. Any one who is interested in mathematics can find
here the work which he would choose to pursue. Students preparing to be teach-
ers, electrical or civil engineers, or who wish to study mathematics simply to
broaden their fund of information, will find in this department just what they are
looking for.
Professor Ward, who stands at the head of the Department, is our ideal Math-
ematician. He lives in a world of mathe.r.atics, and is so full of his subject, one
cannot take a course under him without partaking of his enthusiasm.
Before choosing your work for next year, consider the importance of the
study of mathematics, and the excellent work the Department is doing. Then de-
cide to be one of the many who are enlisted here.
LL the emotions of the heart or the fancies of the brain are quick-
.. _ ened and stirred by a contemplation of the grandly diversified scenes
^'^ to be met with in History's great gallery. He who loves the daring
and sublime may see the great Napoleon "conquer the Alps and min-
gle the eagles of France with the eagles of the crags." He who revels in the hor-
rors of war may gaze upon a Waterloo, a Gettysburg, or a Balaklala; or he in
whom devotion to country is the mainspring of fancy, may find an idol for his ad-
miration in the "Father of his country."
In order, however to appreciate these world-renowned views; to know their
significance and relationship to the whole; to see vividly the momentous humim
struggles that produced such mighty changes, we must have guidance from one
who knows. And such a one is found in the head of our Department, Prof. Chris-
tian Jensen. Master of his subject, searching in his methods, technical in his re-
quirements, he has made History and Government one of the strongest depart-
ments of the B. Y. U.
ACH year the work of the College is becoming more definite and tech-
nical, and greater specialization of work is required. In harmony with
this progress, a separate department was established this year for
^ Sociology, Economics, and Commerce under the direction of Profes-
sors Swenson and Glade, cind never before has the work been so satisfactory. The
courses off ered are as follows : General Principles of Economics, Money and
Banking, Corporate Industry, Labor Problems and Legislation, Economic His-
tory of the United States, Ocean and Railway Transportation, Public Finance,
Elements of Sociology, Practical Social Problems, Social Economics, Accounting,
Advertising aind Selling, and Insurance.
In these courses an effort is made to evolve high practical ideals of citizen-
ship, and to work out solutions for the various economic and social problems that
present themselves in our country.
Not only have courses of instruction been given to the regular students of
the University, but several extension courses have been offered. The teachers of
Mona have been instructed in Public Finance, those of Fairview in Sociology,
and the Provo City teachers have been given a course in Social Problems.
The practical nature of the work of this department is appealing to the stu-
dents more strongly each year, and rapid growth is the inevitable result.
I )i;c ( )K.\ r I \ !■: la n dsca pe
N leaving Room 27 of the High School building the other day, a vis-
itor remarked, "If every room in this plant is operating with the
effectiveness and zeal exhibited in that typewriting department, there
is certainly a tremendous amount of energy emanating from these
premises. Those young folks seemed to be work, personified. No
father would be disappointed in finding his son or daughter in that group."
That means more than it appears. In every nine hour day. Room 27 wit-
nesses over 3,288,600 distinct operations, and the beauty of it all is that they
produce sorr.ething more than mere perspiration.
Example : It was the evening of the Aggie game. Dusk was already em-
barrassing the incandescents in "27" that were bravely endeavoring to prolong
the day. The "Y" band was eclipsing Sousa in the Gym above, and Logan had
already begun to warm up. Twenty-three minutes more and the game was on.
Then came an order for FIVE HUNDRED "legal" copies of the College cheers
to be used at the game. A dash and a shift and the tired type were cutting wax
as never before : five minutes later, perfect copies were leaving the duplicating
cylinder, and in six minutes more the waiting bleachers were satisfied. Not one
of the cheering squad, as they crumpled those sheets, and followed the lines,
knew of the effort in Room 27. And that is but an every-day occurrence. It is
no wonder that the old-fashioned quill is hibernating these days.
Efficiency is the ability to do in a given time what the people want done. If
they Cem wait thirty minutes, all right; if they can wait but five minutes, that's
tirre enough. It must be done, amd well, too! Of course, this order of things calls
for a high degree of systematization. Miss Billings and her assistants have old
"27" well in hemd, in fact they may be termed headquarters for genuine business
Just whether the President's private Secretary, in her capacity as such, be-
longs to the business department is a question. The presidency seem to be sat-
isfied with the manner in which all official correspondence is handled; we should
be happy in having helped to produce so efficient a young lady.
The year 1913-14 will see the introduction of a course for which we have long
been waiting. The official appellation is English C-2. To be more explicit —
technical Business English and Correspondence. Prof. Holt will be in cheirge.
This fact alone guarantees the success of the course. Students who have been
under his inspiration in the past will know wher to recommend friends.
Rooms 23-22 21 of the High School have been busy this winter. There have
been approximately 70-50-24 students in each department. The crowd is at work
any day at 2:30. Here is where young folks have the opportunity of showing
their metal. Each one of them, during the semester, has about 600,000 definite
operations to handle. These problems he must meet in his own way, and the dis-
patch with which he solves the.Ti determines the rapidity of his progress. Of
course there is a scattering all along the way; some students spend many min-
utes nibbling at the posterior portion cf a lead pencil and thinking of the folks
at home ; others respire deeply and perspire freely, and deem their desks of a tre-
mendous amount of work.
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OME join our Department of Chemistry and see the great field of
facts you have little dreamed of heretofore. Our Department has
been thoroughly alive this year. Greater interest than ever before has
been shown by students and professors alike. The laboratories have
been humming all winter with the work of miniature manufactories and industries,
and the principles underlying these have been thoroughly demonstrated by our
Developed from the old time alchemy which sought to find a process to make
gold, chemistry has become a very exact science and one that is used in nearly all
our industries, so that today, knowledge more precious than the gold sought for
by the ancients, has become ours.
Chemistry is fundamental in the studies of medicine, of biology, of geology;
in many manufacturing industries, in mining, in agriculture, in the preparation of
food stuffs.
Chemistry gives us a key to the interpretation of nature. It helps us to under-
stand how the plants make food and clothing for man ; it shows us some of the
forces at work in the creation of our great earth ; it lends to us interest in the in-
animate rock. You cannot afford to miss the feast of fat things it has in store for
you. Come, enlist!
g| ISTORY'S pages are replete with the accounts of memorable deeds
J of men and of nations. We marvel at the culture of Greece, the mil-
O itary skill of Rome, of men who lived before the art of writing was
L=2S^^ developed. History teaches us practically nothing, the historian be-
ing indebted to the pen for whatever knowledge he may possess of by-gone peo-
ples. But before man mastered the valuable art of inditing, earth had become
an experienced hand and had filled many a page with thrilling accounts of the
birth, life struggle, and death of memberless branches of her family. The stone
you kick out of your pathway is a page from Nature's volume. Can you read it?
This page may be written in the simplest prose, but our historian is not always so
considerate, for she often writes in the strangest hieroglyphics; and with no Ro-
setta Stone as a guide, we are often sorely perplexed in trying to discern her
We learn to read Nature's hand only by continued practice, directed by those
who have found the key. But once the art is acquired, there is a joy which comes
to the reader not surpassed that awakened by a masterpiece of fiction. Our Utah
mountain ranges, cleft to the core by magnificent canyons and sheared by faults
of tremendous throw are open volumes to those who know the language. No lo-
cation in the state affords a better opportunity for the study of Geology than
Provo. The grand old Wasatch range with its gorges, peaks, and ravines; the
shimmering lake at its feet, the shelving beaches of ancient Bonneville, these at
her very door are veritable treasure houses to the geologist. Every class or type
of topography from glacial to marine is found within easy reach of our school.
The department of Geology, under the efficient leadership of Professor Hinckley
who has a deep appreciation of our natural environment, is making it possible
for many students to read the picture writing of Earth's pages, and to solve the
mysteries of her life history.
' NLY those who have visited the physical laboratories, or who have
taken courses in this department can get an idea of what is being
done there. Those who have visited the laboratories, and have re-
ceived explanations of the various instruments feel themselves richly
repaid, for the Physics Department is the best equipped of all the laboratories in
the school, and is fully equal to any physical laboratory in the Intermountain
The head of the Department, Dr. Harvey Fletcher, is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, and one of the most successful students in the Department of
Physics of that university. At present Dr. Fletcher is ably assisted by Mr. Carl
F. Eyring, a graduate of the B. Y. U.
With these professors, in so well equipped laboratories, the students may
receive instruction of the highest degree of efficiency. The number of students
taking advantage of these facilities at present is about fifty, many of whom are
doing advanced work.
The pictures on the opposite page show a number of views of the laboratories
with a small number of instruments. One can only obtain a meager idea of the
equipment, however, from these pictures, since there are many instruments which
can not be moved, and are therefore not shown. Besides class room and labora-
tory work, many excursions are made to near-by factories and power plants. These
add interest to the work and make it more practical.
To interest the public in the work that is being done an exhibition is held
every spring. At that time all the instruments are set up in working order, and
several interesting experiments are carried out, while the use of all the instru-
ments and apparatus is explained.
During the entire time of the exhibition last spring, many hundreds of peo-
ple thronged the rooms, manifesting the deepest interest.
^^ ROVO probably has fewer cats and dogs than any town of its size in
America. It is not because there are fewer born here that this is true,
for more are actually used than in many places larger, and the dogs and
cats of Provo have done more to advance the intellect of man than have
their distant kin.
The Biological Department of the B. Y. U. has been severely
weighed, but never has it been found wanting. It has delved deep and
found precious gems, it has reached out wide and far and gathered in
scientific truths, it has been untiring in its efforts; the depths of the
night have yielded up to it many truth treasures.
On the next page is a view of a human ovum photographed by
Prof. Rasmussen, showing many details seldom found. This is the
result of the most careful work. A cut accompanying, also shows the
professor at his interesting work. We say boldly that few biological
departments of our western country are more fortunate than ours in
their equipment and professors.
Whoever is interested in the study of life, may find his heart's desire
in Animal and Plant Psysiology, General Zoology, Animal and Plant
Histology, Vertebrate Embryology, Neurology, Plant Taxonomy and
kindred subjects. Welcome all.
O branch of the school has made greater progress during the past year
than has the Agricultural Department. Its growth is marked by the
addition of such courses as Veterinary Science, Farm Mechanics and
Agricultural Botany. The laboratory has been more thoroughly
equipped with new apparatus, a new greenhouse has been built and furnished, and
a new instructor. Dr. Vance, has been ad ied to the Agricultural staff.
The enrollment of the department exceeds the two hundred seventy-five
mark — an increase of over fifty per cent as co.-npared with previous years. In
the College division the enrollment has more than doubled that of other years.
The professors in charge: Merrill, Smart, and Vance, are men of able capa-
bilities, firm character, and are unselfish in their devotion to the institution. Stu-
dents, through their inspiration, have come to regard farming as a dignified pro-
fession rather than a drudgery.
Superstitions, such as planting crops in the dark of the moon, have no place
where the fundamental principles of agriculture are taught, and where the work
is reduced to a science. Tillage, irrigation, drjiinage, and the like are the super-
stitions now taught.
One of the most pleasing events of the year was the "Annual Agricultural
Exhibit" in which a greater quantity and better quality of fruit was displayed
than heretofore, and in which the Agricultural Department of the B. Y. U. re-
vealed its many benefits to the people of Utah.
Ni!)7!m^5 TT^teSTig ^cfe©©!
HE idea of training teachers professionally for their work is a modern
one. Luther, the great reformer, first began advocating the need of pro-
fessional training, in addition to the ordinary scholastic learning, for the
important work of teaching. The idea soon found expression in the
establishment of normal schools where prospective teachers were taught
rot only what they were to teach, but also how to teach it. This idea
began to be advocated in America not over a century ago, and in the
early part of the century it found concrete expression in the establish-
ment of private normal schools. When private adventure had proved
the value of these institutions, they began to be established by public
school systems of state and city. The idea of professional training given
in the normal school of the B. Y. U. has been thoroughly realized, and
here the prospective teacher may receive actual practice in teaching
under expert supervision. J. L. Brown, a graduate of the Michigan
University, is the principal of this department, and is a man thoroughly
qualified for the place he holds. He is a son of the One Hundred and
Forty-three Pioneers of Utah; educated himself principally by his own
efforts, and has merited the confidence imposed in him through his great
integrity, his faith, his intelligence, his industry, and his honesty.
Miss Schumaker, a very eminent trainer and educator from Pitts-
burg, Pennylvania, has been employed to guide the affairs of the train-
ing department of the Brigham Young University.
The University has maintained, practically from its beginning, a
normal school that has sent out hundreds of teachers, professionally
trained, and imbued with the proper spirit of education.
Under the able management of the supervisors named the normal
department is meeting the anticipations of its founders and justifying
its establishment.
mm mgh g©Sa®®a
< O better high school can be found anywhere than the high school of
the B. Y. U. Few institutions emphasize such a well-rounded edu-
cation as this school does. Young men and young women are devel-
oped in an environment where the influence is so strong for moral and
spiritual uplift that they seldom fail to make good.
The intellectual and physical education they obtain becomes so thoroughly
associated with moral and religious training that in future life they are inseparable.
Inasmuch as it is the work of the high school to prepare students to enter
college, it is very important that the foundation for advanced education should be
substantial. It should be so broad that it will permit of a college education with-
out the students drifting from morality or losing faith in religion.
It is this kind of foundation that our High School takes pride in building.
To judge whether it has been successful or not, all we need to do is to follow its
graduates through their college days and into active life. The school will wel-
come such an investigation, for it is proud of the educators, business men, and
other good citizens who began their advanced education under its influence.
URING the past year there have been a half-hundred missionaries take
the course furnished by this school. They ranged all the way from
grade students to second and third year high school. In order to ac-
commodate them, classes in Theology. English, and History were
arranged to suit the capacities of the students, and special teachers were fur-
nished in the subjects that would be most helpful to them in the missionary field.
If the student were below the high school, he was given United States History,
English, Music, Penmanship, Book of Mormon, and the doctrines of the Church.
If he were a high school student, he was given European History, Church His-
tory, Mormon Doctrine, Music, and Oral Expression. In fact, the course arranged
for the missionaries and given to them the last year, was just such a course as
would be a powerful help to all men and women in the Church who care to inform
themselves along the lines of theology, history, literature, and the getting of that
which would make them very much more useful in the organizations of the Church
in their own wards. If the bishops of the different wards of the Church realized
what could be done in the education of the young men of their towns, and the
effect on them that three or four months under the influence of this Church
school would have, they would leave their oxen in the field and would hasten to
convert the boys away from the street corners and to the Missionary Course. If
the young men of Israel could be fired with an ambition to be something in the
Church and in the community, and to know something of the gospel — to know
where they came from and where they are going, we would not have room in the
Brigham Young University to hold all who came. Young men who come and get
a taste of the good things and get new ideals, are amazed that all the young men of
the Church are not here with them. They do not go back after being here, to
the flesh pots of the street corner, the cigarettes, and the carousal. They prefer
to march as officers and soldiers in the ranks of the Church. The young men who
were here this year had nothing but praise for the school, and with tears of joy
they walked out into a new light — the light of service for their fellowmen.
11 ;
nmji. r^Ain.
Levar Anderson
James A. Anderson
Rudolph Boshard
Jesse Bigler
Walter Burgner
Owen Christensen
Irving Candland
Ira M. Croft
J. E. Christensen
Leo Ekins
James Eagar
Earl W. Ellison
Roland D. Giles
E. M. Hansen
Monroe Hair
Ferris Hoover
James Jensen
Ferris Ingram
Porter Johnson
Walter Jepperson
Ira R. Lewis
Orlando J. Langford
Louris Mahoney
David Monk
Leland McEwan
Leonard Madsen
Virl Martin
David Noaks
Grant Ord
Orville Olsen
Milan Price
Wallace Provost
Thomas Powers
Floyd Patten
Clifford Robertson
H. T. Reynolds, Jr.
George Simper
Thomas Sweat
Pratt Stafford
Archie A. Teeples
George Webb
J. A. Warren
Ray Watkins
James Wilson
Joseph Wilson
Avery Kirkham
Claude Zabriskie
Henry Williams
Joseph Orgill
Bert Pettigrew
I HE Department of Correlated Arts comprises the work in Fine Art
and Design, Mechanic Arts and Household Arts. The success of the
department is due, greatly, to the correlation ideas that have been es-
tablished. Generally students make elections from more than one
line of art. Students who choose to major in the Fine Art line will elect some
course or courses in Mechanic Arts or Domestic Science ; those who major in Do-
mestic Science will elect courses in Design, Domestic Art and possibly Fine Art;
those who major in the Mechanic Arts, such as Woodwork or Ironwork, will elect
from the Drafting and Design courses; and those who major in Domestic Art will
of a certainty follow some of the Domestic Science courses as well. The funda-
mental collateral subjects, such as English, Science, Mathematics, History and Civ-
ics, etc., are followed to ultimately give to the maker a well-rounded education.
The young men and women who have gone out from the department are mak-
ing good in the world — they are sympathetic, appreciative citizens; they are indus-
trious, congenial neighbors, and every one is especially professional on his or her
chosen line of life work. They are men and women who love their work for
their work's sake and for what it brings to them — apart from the joy standpoint,
then the better standpoint — then the bread and butter and cake standpoint — by
our helping in the world with a lift and are doing it cheerfully — they believe that
to eat the kernel they m.ust crack the shell, in other words, do their righteous part.
/Xiiii iiis; i;nj;i^ HiiLi -JiJiii I'^Liii^x^^ wilL
Ev r.. F. Larsen
Bv E. H. Eastmv^iiii
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4 ^-. To O E..
H^rO bbnd 3on6o[ evening be((. --^
r "^ There's minglW in tliaG" (^ol^ toll 1_
&• «. A song Ct)at ribXsb \i\<i wear/ 500I
I [olIovJ on Witlj (jiriA [tff
Unon to di^banK -village tower
find bow my head in Willing f^raytr
' Tf]i^ fiolyt'dbbatl] hour
Thd darl^ [>hini§h(3 th^li [olloW^ 07,
T^]^re i^ t)ht (jrubb in brig[)Ur day.'
Tljc- Star icnd^ owb ibj. iighb again
^ find 1 h^tvt [ound tjije hftfl^dnWard Wa/.
J^S£i-i '^LjLj
Farrer — "I've a mind to get married."
Jimmie C. — "If you had a mind, you wouldn't think of such a thing.
Ray Oberhansley — "Electricity is wonderful, it makes one think."
Jimmie Clove — "Yes. why don't you get a battery?"
Merle B. — "If Hal would propose to me he would dart like a fish out of water."
Jimmie Clove — "Why shouldn't he? He would certainly be caught."
^liB L^^t Interpretation
For seven years our art professor, E. H. Eastmond, courted a distinguished
and rather coquettish miss, who very lately became his wife. During the period
of courtship Bert was very lavish in his expenditures for boquets and candy. Since
the marriage, however, he has bought neither flowers nor candy and the business
of Startup and the Provo Floral has suffered accordingly.
In view of these facts the injured parties have filed suit to have the mar-
riage dissolved as a combination in restraint of trade.
"Andy^ In A DUemma
It comes to us from good authority that Prof. Rasmussen is about to decide
between going East to study or accepting his call to fill a seven-year mission in
the Canary Islands!
Ill A 'Dry 'J'DWZi
D. & R. G. Freight Office: "Is this Keeler's residence? Well, please tell
President Keeler that we have a box of books here that are leaking!"
fiia IVInfili; £]c1idd1
i ANY people of the twentieth century wonder and even go so far as
to ask. why is music spoken of as being sacred, as being a supplica-
ton unto God. Is it any wonder that such a question could be asked
by the uneducated class, when we hear nothing but rag-time music
at all of our modern places of amusement? This condition among our people is
deplorable, and every effort on our part as individuals should be used to put a
stamp of unfitness upon rag-time music, and to bring ourselves and neighbors
into closer touch with music of a higher class.
Very few people have the ability to render selections from Wagner, Beetho-
ven. Liszt, Mozart, Tanhauser, Mendelssohn, etc., but we all have the ability to
enjoy and appreciate these selections when rendered by capable men and women.
Imagine, if you can, after hearing a selection from one of the famous compos-
ers, the joy that they received while their minds were in a condition to write such
themes. We cannot all become great composers, but we can train ourselves to
appreciate a high standard of music, and to be able to offer simple supplications
unto God with but a very limited musical training.
The music school of the Brigham Young University is very well equipped
with musical instruments of all kinds, and under the very able supervision of such
men as Professors Lund, Reid, Johnson, Gudmundson and Sauer, anyone desiring
a musical education can receive it with but half an effort upon his part, and that
education will not consist of a rag-time class, but of the very highest grade obtain-
The above mentioned men are directing in the school, a School Choir, Or-
chestra and Band, and are ready at the spur of the moment to give to the school
whatever they may desire. The choir always sings in morning chapel. One must
be present to enjoy and appreciate the meaning back of this music when rendered.
The band and orchestra are always on hand at each school or Student Body func-
tion, and play those old-time melodies which make our blood boil with enthu-
For a number of years the choir, under Professor Lund, has put on an opera
each spring. These have proved successful and educational from every point of
view. We are very sorry that we were not favored with a production this year.
Professors Lund and Johnson aie working up a male chorus and also a ladies*
chorus, consisting of twenty-five voices each; they will render selections from
Wagner. This event promises to be a great success.
Among the many celebrities of the Brigham Young University Alumni we find
a great number of music graduates, and we feel safe in saying that music has done
as much for the present high standard of the school as has any other department.
HE year's work covered by the orchestra and string department in
general has been very successful and, when compared with other years,
shows a decided growth in the work that has been accomplished. Be-
sides playing from a score of other favorite composers, a few of the
following overtures may be mentioned, "Egmont" by Beethoven, William Tell,
Rossini, Romeo Juliette, Bellini, Poet and Peasant and La Burlesque by Von Suppe,
Mignon and Raymond, A Thomas, The Two Hussars, Doppler, Guy Bias, Mendels-
shon, Rosamunde, Schubert, and a good analytic rehearsing of the "Tannhauser"
overture. The string quartet work has given much pleasure and profit to its mem-
bers, as well as to all who have listened to its music. The technique of each member
has been developed to such a standard that practicing from the works of such mas-
ters as Mozart, Haydn, Grieg and Vorak has been a supreme delight.
June 3 — Summer semester registration opens.
June '1 — Few more tardy pedagogues register.
June 5 — New decoration on the campus, "Do not pick the flowers."
June 6 — Dr. N. I. Rubinkam begins his series of lectures to summer school students.
June 7 — At the athletic tryout held in Chicago, Alma Richards makes the Olympic
June 10 — Professor Reid plays tennis and whistles ragtime.
June 11 — A perfect day. "Oh! what is so rare as a day in June?"
June 12 — Alma Richards makes a record jump in exhibition meet at New York.
June 13 — Nothing to record. There would have been had this date happened
June 14 — American athletes leave New York for Stockholm.
June 17 — Superintendent A. C. Nelson of Salt Lake City visited us.
June 18 — The high school campus is turned into a bed of roses this morning.
June 19 — Somebody's birthday — whose?
June 20 — Director Roberts, Professor E. H. Holt, and Registrar Hayes enjoyed
an icecream party in the store room today.
June 21 — First day of summer.
June 24 — The summer school amusement committee met on the lawn today. HE
reports a very quiet meeting.
June 25 — The gym class took a jaunt to the river and back.
June 26 — Oh, wauld some pow'r the giftie'd gie us, so that the Calendar commit-
tee could find an incident for every day in the year !
June 27 — Discovered in the basement — a homesick pedagogue! (Prof. Eastmond)
June 28 — Today a breeze stirred and was arrested for disturbing the peace.
July 1 — Two pedagogues were brought in on the carpet for "slufBng." They
pleaded ignorance of the law and were excused.
July 2 — The summer school faculty held a session of ten minutes this evening.
July 3 — President Brimhall left to attend the Fourth of July celebration at Ver-
nal— and for an extended trip through eastern Utah.
July 4 — Uncle Sam's Birthday. Summer school students hie themselves to Saltair
for a bath.
July 5 — The morning after — empty pockets and blistered noses.
July 8 — Richards made the world's record in the high jump at Stockholm, and
puts the B. Y. U. on Sweden's map — world's, too!
July 9 — Gym class tramps to the lake — and limps back.
July 10 — Professor Reid's summer music students give a recital.
July 11 — A little entertainment given by the faculty in the shape of exams.
July 12 — First term of the summer school ends.
July 15 — A few of the sole survivors meet at devotional and exchange weather
July 16 — A little surprise in the form of a summer shower.
July 17 — Professor Glade* visits the L. D. S. hospital and leaves as a memento
his appendix.
July 18 — The book store sold a lead pencil today — charged.
July 19 — Seven girls and twelve boys led by Director Roberts climbed to the top
of Mt. Timpanogos, and peeked over.
July 22 — Twenty-one sun-blistered and feet-weary mountain climbers graced (?)
our halls today.
July 23 — Same thing as yesterday.
July 2A — Pioneer Day. Utah Stake Sunday Schools' street pageant a splendid
July 24 — Nerves all unstrung from the excitement of yesterday.
July 26 — Recovering, but slowly.
July 29 — The gym class and ten quarts of ice cream lure the Coach out under the
July 30 — Students too busy to talk. Mac goes to take Peace to the Mexicans.
ATJ sirsT
Aug. 1 — ^Jimmie B. and Sammie B. collect a few pairs of ladies' shoes as souvenirs.
Aug. 2 — Everybody works but the professors — they go fishing all day — that is,
those who are not in summer schood. Hot!
Aug. 5 — The grunt system of conversation well established. Talking is almost
abolished. Hotter!
Aug. 6 — Silence reigns supreme. The ghosts of last year's students haunt the
halls and stairways. Hottest!
Aug. 7 — A party of early risers walked to the "Y' before sunrise this a. m. Never
Aug. 8 — The weather man promises us rain, for which we shall be grateful.
Aug. 9 — We were disturbed today by a tennis racket.
Aug. 12 — Two weeks more for the home run.
Aug. 13 — Hush! we are here to work, not to provoke nonsense for the calendar
Aug. \A — Everybody working hard for the final round-up, except the professors.
Aug. 15 — Week ends with a few preliminary exams.
Aug. 19 — Director Roberts and Professor Glade steer a second party of enthusi-
asts up the heights of Mt. Timpanogos.
Aug. 20 — More heat and exams.
Aug. 21 — Students and Provo citizens give a reception and banquet for Alma
Richards at the Hotel Roberts.
Aug. 22 — We are not all dead yet.
Aug. 23 — End of summer school, and a very successful one.
Oct. 7 — According to the catalogue we passed through the bewildering experience
of registration.
Oct. 8 — Instruction begins, so says the calendar.
Oct. 9 — Faculty give us a welcome reception and handshake.
Oct. 10 — Signs of hard work already showing.
Oct. 11 — The 15's H. S. elect Stanley Cheever as chief engineer to steer their
sturdy little barge for the semester.
Oct. 14 — Our enrollment shows that we are ahead of the enrolment of last year at
this same time.
Oct. 15 — Professor Sauer's boys take exercises in horn blowing and marching.
Oct. 16 — The thirty-seventh birthday of the Brigham Young University. The
Founder's Day celebration consisted of the Student Body and Faculty
annual parade, interclass meet, and grand ball in the evening. Success due
to splendid prearrangement by Faculty(?)(!) —
Oct. 17 — The owl hooted and the solemn seniors took up the burden of a class
Oct. 18 — The 16's h. s. elect HoUis Aylett as class president.
Oct. 21 — Bert Kinsey elected as president of the 14's h. s.
Oct. 22 — A mysterious pair of white silk hose found in the art professor's desk !
First issue of this year's "White and Blue" appears.
Oct. 23 — The Myster suffragettes organize with Muriel Bonnett as head "sufferer."
Oct. 24 — The 14's h. s. hold another class meeting. Miss Walker attends.
Oct. 25 — Student Body hold celebration in honor of Alma.
Oct. 28 — Big athletic rally held.
Oct. 29 — President Keeler originates the idea of placing a big bell on the top of
the high school building.
Oct. 30 — The 15's h. s. listen to an address on "Class Patriotism" by President
Cheever. The college owl adjust the constitution of the College Club.
Oct. 31 — College Club goes Hallowe'ening with His Satanic Majesty and imps.
The debating societies are getting sociable.
Nov. 1 — The fourth annual agricultural exhibition opens.
Nov. 2 — The suffragettes turn up their dainty noses at the unattached bachelors.
The world's most famous oration, "The Proper Way to be Co-eds," deliv-
ered in the girls' mass meeting. The fair ones take possession of Provo
chase the despicable male into the lake, and then go home and think they
have had a perfectly "lovely time."
Nov. 4^Something brewing among the Freshmen.
Nov. 5 — The Athenas meet and initiate the girls. Boys barred, because they are
so rough. Nation holds an election, and Freshmen hold a skating party.
Nov. 6 — Ground broken for the new girls' gymnasium and dancing pavilion.
Nov. 7 — New Freshman fraternity house started just south of the college building.
It brewed.
Nov. 8 — President Brimhall returns from the International Dry Farm Congress
held at Lethbridge, Canada. Brig and his illustrious class give a dancing
party at the Sixth Ward hall. Co-eds still mad at the unattached.
Nov. 11 — Big bell placed on top of the high school building.
Nov. 12 — The strike becomes more serious.
Nov. 13 — Well, well, the sophomores ain't either dead. They are in motion!
Nov. 14 — The diplomats meet and arramge to break the co-ed strike — faculty in-
vited to be absent.
Nov. 15 — How graciously the girls came to time! The fellows meet the girls half
way and make up at the Reconciliation ball.
Nov. 18 — 'Varsity Basketball team begins practice, with Hal as captain.
Nov. 19 — Director Roberts and Alma receive invitation to participate in the ath-
letic carnival at Australia.
Nov. 20 — Lawrence Southwick elected first vice-president, and Hyrum Jenkins,
track manager of the Studen Body.
Nov. 21 — The 14s h. s. give a shodow party. Professor Snow could not make one,
so was not invited.
Nov. 22 — Miss Eaton, of the University of Utah, lectured before the Student Body
on eugenics.
Nov. 25 — Mr. John E. Gunckel gave a spanking good talk on the wayward boy —
too bad he did not happen along before November 2.
Nov. 26 — Student Body hold Thanksgiving exercises. The 16's h. s. whitewash
the 13's h. s. in basketball. Wayne Hales wins in the Thanksgiving cross-
country race.
Nov. 27 — With the help of the police and peanuts the Freshmen hold a meeting.
We all go home to help make the turkey trot.
Dec. 2 — Back from the farm. Missionaries come along to reform us.
Dec. 3 — The 13's and 14's h. s. mix in basket ball. Score, 42 to 19 in favor of
the 14's.
Dec. 4 — The basket ball fever has our goat.
Dec. 5 — New honor system proposed by the Student Body with reference to the
awarding of school honors.
Dec. 6 — Band concert given by the best school band on this old planet.
Dec. 7 — First symptoms of the Saturday school grouch appear.
Dec. 9 — President Brimhall's sixtieth birthday. The Student Body celebrate it in
a fitting manner.
Dec. 10 — The elocution department gives its initial recital.
Dec. 11 — Mrs. Wanlass, one of the associate editors of the "White and Blue,"
leaves to join her husband in Washington.
Dec. 12 — Dr. Winship tells us "how to be good losers."
Dec. 13— First basketball game. B. Y. U. 48, W. S. A. 34.
Dec. 14 — Everybody trying to adjust (himself, herself, itself, themselves?) to
school on Saturday.
Dec. 16— The birth of BYUTAH.
Dec. 17 — The Christmas issue of the "White and Blue" published.
Dec. 18 — The boys are all on good behavior. Christmas is coming!
Dec. 19 — Board of Control meet and crack a few hard nuts.
Dec. 20 — Books put away until after Jan. 2. Merry Christmas to all !
Jan. 2 — All of the Preps and a few first years showed up for roll call. Three new
members of Faculty also. New Years greetings strictly prohibited.
Jan. 3 — Five more students back from vacation. One more Faculty member.
Jan. A — President issues an edict to "sluffers" that is death to weak hearts and
fatal to sweethearts.
Jan. 6 — A frost-bitten lemon from the weather bureau left on our doorstep. Water
pipes and windpipes clogged. Late ruling of the faculty effective. Every-
body is back at the grind.
Jan. 7 — Lee Farrer receives a pressing invitation from the S. S. Association. Yes,
he paid it.
Jan. 8 — Good(?) morning. Go to the Devil!
Jan. 9 — College Club treasurer expresses a little sentiment, "None so blind as they
who won't fee."
Jan. 10 — Student Body yell practice. Big hop in the evening, at which "Tillie"
Olsen is blue-ribboned as the biggest grouch in school.
Jan. 11 — Another basketball victory for us. The Old Stars went down to defeat be-
fore the Present Stars. Score. B. Y. U 61, Old Stars 27. Old Stars' ban-
quet and reunion in the evening.
Jan. 13 — Professor Osmond's English 1 Class make their debut as poets.
Jan. 14 — Miss Camp, Calloway, six chaperones, and one hot cake formed a party
at the bookstore this a. m.
Jan. 15 — First signs of spring. Found, by Dean Brimhall in the "White and Blue"
office — none of your business!
Jan. 16 — Professor Levi Edgar Young, of the University of Utah, addressed the
college students this morning.
Jan. 17 — Lecture, "The Art of Boilering," delivered by B. T. Higgs, D. J. C. S., to
his class in Tootology.
Jan. 18— More basketball honors. B. Y. U. 34, L. D. S. U. 20.
Jan. 20 — Apostle Heber J. Grant addressed students during the devotional hour.
Jan. 21 — Nothin' doin' — 'cept jess plain, unadulterated grindin'.
Jan. 22— Seniors' sewing bee. Miss Ollerton has trouble trying to adjust Jimmie's
"figger" as a model on which to fit the seniors' bawl gowns.
Jan. 24 — College Prom. Petite Jimmie Clove the belle of the bawl.
Jan. 25 — Old age stood out prominently on the Seniors today. Late hours too
much for the old owl. Basket ball, B. Y. U. 49. Burlington 15.
Jan. 27 — The faculty scatters the breadline and disturbs the trysters on the radi-
Jan. 28 — Mr. Trefzger, the English world's typewriter champion, gave a demon-
stration before the commercial students this morning.
Jan. 31 — Glade introduces his famous dru-u-u-u-um-mmm-m yell.
Feb. 1 — Basketball game, B. Y. U. versus B. Y. C. Score 40 to 29 in our favor, of
Feb. 4 — Lottie Gibson, second vice-president of the Student Body, leaves us — we
hope temporarily.
Feb. 5 — Juniors organize. No one present.
Feb. 6 — The Board of Control give a dinner in honor of Lottie Gibson. Kenneth
Parkinson elected President of the College Club.
Feb. 7 — Freshmen give an exhibition of school etiquette and ballroom dodads, and
end with a green hop in the evening.
Feb. 8 — B. Y. U. and U. of U. engage in a little basketball. Score not worth
Feb. 10 — Something happened, but the calendar committee did not hear of it.
Feb. 11 — 14's H. S. hold another election. Garda says he is a "love of a president."
Feb. 12 — Lincoln' birthday celebrated by the Student Body. Faculty heard of it
next day.
Feb. 13 — Sophomores scooped the Seniors at basketball. Tally was something like
150 to 9.
Feb. 14 — The Valentine ball, one of the most brilliant functions of the year, given
by the 13's H. S. President Brimhall a special guest of the class.
Feb. 15 — Basketball honors still coming our way. This time the score board read
B. Y. U. 28, B. Y. C. 26. The last sad "rights" of Saturday school exe-
cuted today.
Feb. 17 — A new member joined Professor and Mrs. Reid's chorus today. She
weighs only eight pounds, but can reach high C already.
Feb. 18 — The opera bar boys paid their daily visit to the book store.
Feb. 19 — Everybody is happy. Why?
Feb. 20 — Booster's issue of the "White and Blue" comes out.
Feb. 21 — Student Body and Faculty hold Washington program. Roy Purcell wins
the Barton and Blake Gold Medal for delivering Washington Birthday
oration. Student Body rally — some noise, believe me !
Feb. 22 — The "Y" Student Body charters a train and escorts the basket ball boys
to Salt Lake City. The "U" Student Body give us a royal welcome. Score,
a tie at the end of the second half. "U" carries off the honors by three
Feb. 24 — Snowbound.
Feb. 25 — Still snowing.
Feb. 26 — Deepest snow Charlie Schwencke has EVER seen. Provo is buried
under 14 inches of snow.
Feb. 27 — Tryout for intercollegiate debates. Dean Brimhall and John G. Gubler
take first place for the debate with the U. of U.
Feb. 28 — Why, of course it is the last of the month.
March 1 — Had a basketball accident today. No, we cannot. The winning team is
very modest over this certain score.
March 3 — Professor E. spent the evening sewing buttons on his trousseau.
March 4 — Inauguration day at the Capitol. Professor and Mrs. James L. Brown
assist President and Mrs. Wilson in receiving the guests.
March 5 — Midwinter conference of Farmers and Housekeepers, under the auspices
of the B. Y. U., with the co-operation of the U. A. C. and the S. L. S, P.
R. R., held in the buildings of the University.
March 6 — State high school basket ball tournament to be held in the "Y" for three
days in succession, beginning with today.
March 7 — Student Body meet and welcome the visiting basket ball teams.
March 8 — Basketball tournament ends. Weber Stake Academy carry off the high
school championship of Utah. "Y" Student Body and Faculty give a
bjmquet in honor of visiting teams.
March 10 — A few spring fever microbes wander high schoolward and take up tem-
porary residence.
March 11 — The 14's H. S. hold a class meeting. Big doings planned.
March 12 — Found on the Library bulletin board, " 'White and Blues" be out to-
day." Oh, they be, be they? The 14's and 15's of the high school pose for
the photographer and incidentally for the Year Book.
March 13 — High school faculty pose for their pictures and break the plate.
March 14 — The "Y" Dramatic Club presents "College Days" — the best college play
that has ever been put on in Provo.
March 15 — Intercollegiate wrestling match between B. Y. U. and U. A. C. — even
break. Captain Roald Amundsen, the discoverer of the South Pole, deliv-
ered a lecture to us.
March 17 — The Irish are excused from classes today. Merline Roylance chosen to
fill the vacancy in the vice-presidency of the Student Body occasioned by
the resignation of Lottie.
March 18 — President Smith and other members of the Board visited the University
March 19 — "BYUTAH" committee met and added a few more gray hairs to their
March 20 — THE DAY draws nigh — the day when a man is nothing but a cipher
with the rim rubbed out ! The Steering Committee is as busy as a stock
broker. Dean Clark is unusually generous — he bought Scotch mints for
three girls today. "There's a reason !"
March 21 — "The one day in the year when the girls do, say, talk, act, think, and
flirt as they want to. The girls' program in the morning and their ball in
the evening were very successful, and the girls' number of the White and
Blue," according to Alma Richards, is the best that has been published
since HE had anything to do with it !" — Tillie.
March 22 — Honors from the Northlandagain ! Unanimous decision in U. A. C.
and B. Y. U. debate. Beeley, Schwencke, and Kelley represented the
B. Y. U.
March 24 — Students contributed $73.65 toward the relief fund for the Ohio flood
sufferers. "Schwencke," Beeley, and Sub-high School Principal Kelley
told us how they did the Loganites in the debate.
March 25 — Electrical display in the art studio this week. Charlie S. put out of the
Princess picture show for feeding peanuts to the elephant.
March 26 — Professor E. hurls a brickbat at the inartistic BYUTAH "railroaders."
March 27 — The miracle of miracles — the sun shone all day, and it did not snow.
March 28 — Winter semester ends, and the missionaries leave us. Student Body
en mass attend the "Comedy of Errors" presented by the Ben Greet play-
ers. The U. of U. and the B. Y. U. enter into a debate.
March 31 — Lo, the bridegroom approacheth Salt Lake City, and the Hull family
greeteth him !
April 1 — Wanted, by the faculty, and still wanting, some unpracticed, original
April fool joke.
April 2 — Largest physical education exhibition and circus ever seen in the West
was given by the physical education classes in the gym. Mutt and Jeff,
the Yama boys, English lords and farmers were there, along with the rest
of us. The climatic correlation of the Salt Lake High School Domestic
Science and the B. Y. U. Arts (h)arts took place today.
April 3 — Today is "Y" day — it is, is it not? It most certainly is not! Save your
pickles and beans for another day, girls.
April A — Last day of school before spring vacation. Baseball game between the
Chinese players and the B. Y. U. Ugh! the Heathens!
April 14 — Greetings from Spring. Fairest day of the season.
April 15 — Arbor Day. Student Body and Faculty plant trees. Uncle Bert's decep-
tion exhibited and his rejuvenation celebrated. Big hop in the evening.
April 16 — Boys of the Student Body make eighth annual trip to the big "Y" and
give it its annual polish. Girls lure the fellows on return out on the lawn
and feed them pie and taffy. Day ends with "lame" hop in the gym.
' And the end is not yet. See Year Book 1913-14.
HE organization known as the Board of Control, is the successor to the
old student body executive committee. It consists of fifteen members,
twelve students and four representatives from the faculty. No one is
directly elected as a member of this board, but the presidency of the
school, the physical director, the presidency and secretary of the student body, and
the eight class presidents become members through virtue of the offices they hold.
The members of the respective classes choose their presidents without restric-
tion, except with the understanding that the board will not admit to membership
any person who is not in good standing in the school, and who is not carrying four
units, or their equivalent, if a High School student, and twelve hours, or their
equivalent, if a College student. Thus one-half of the members are chosen by the
students in an unrestricted manner.
The presidency of the student body and all other student body officers are
named by the board, subject to the popular approval of the students.
This board has full control over all student body affairs, and is bound at pres-
ent by no construction except the honor rules over which it exercises a large degree
of discretion. It meets in weekly session and in special meetings whenever called
by the president of the board, who is the president of the student body.
All student body money is appropriated by the board and is expended by the
various departments subject to the approval of the president.
The policies of the student body are formulated by the boeird members, but
are always subject to revision by the majority of the students.
This year all social functions have been under the direction of the board.
In short, to enumerate all the functions of this body would be to mention all
the activities of the school.
There are at present thirteen student body officers, including the president,
two vice presidents, treasurer, secretary and historian, basket ball manager, track
manager, baseball manager, debating mzinager, editor of the "White and Blue," bus-
iness manager of the "White and Blue," wrestling manager, and tennis manager, all
of whom are chosen by the board of control, subject to the approval of the student
The presidency of the student body has in its hands the general direction of
all student body affairs, and each of the officers manages directly all the affairs that
come in his department.
Only the editor and the business manager of the "White and Blue" are paid
for their services.
- — ^-. ^.... ^-.-^— — - ,,- - mi—- ■ - - I II - I ri II — — -^
E. H.
HEN the Student Body decided to have a year book, they appointed,
through the Board of Control, a committee composed of a bald-headed
man, a young Shylo-Jew. a Mexican refugee, a fat man, a lean yan-kee,
and one charming young lady. (She resigned shortly after.)
Well, this combination began to work. None had ever had any experience, ex-
cept the young lady, whose father took her out of school, but they all began "peg-
ging" away. It was soon discovered that the task was a huge one; the fat man
puffed, blew, and sweat, the bald one began to grow no hair, the Mexican drew his
dagger (you will see him on page 38), the financier put out "frieze and lime" for all
the stray "eagles," the yankee reckoned we had to have a heavier staff, "for if this
is to be the staff of life of the year book, it's got to be big enough to nourish it."
His suggestion was followed, and two sphndid artists and five new departmental
editors were added.
Every nook and corner of the school was penetrated, every department watched
by a spy, every secret sought out. Remember, this was to be a Student Body affair.
The Staff felt free to call for aid from every source. No one refused ; professors and
students alike "caught" the year book spirit, as though it were a happy contagion,
and soon pictures, poems, "write ups," and the like were pouring in from every di-
rection. The classes took hold of the proposition, worked up subscriptions for the
book, wanted to know, "What can we do to help you?" You may travel the big
world around, but you will have a task to find a more loyal and willing faculty and
student body.
We have borrowed not a thing for this book, except one page of decorative
work. The book is the product of our own students and professors, and it is a true
history of our school year. To quote President Brimhall, "It is a sealed book to
the stranger," but when silver streaks our hair and our heads begin to bow, this
OUR book, will call up sweet memories of happy youth and golden college days.
There may be "sins" of omission and some of commission discovered, but our
sudden load, made heavier by inexperience, represents our apology.
L. D.Tu^vs^Y. u. The Colllege Prom
FINAL SCORE, 3420 Mozart Crowdcd
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have taken their scalpr ^~ ^2, the Slvi'l'^^
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. 1 ^P<^-»ltt\Bt^• V// ^3e„ -f QnJ*'''"</ , ^ir Ijall last Friday ni;;ht. for
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Weber fakes '^'^'^^ Dcfcat
First Honor^ Q JJ j J) . .
Enthusiasm and Interest Highe'^^^ Honqh s *-^ ^-^■-rClLvJ
i Than Ever Before. ^^"nt/ued frn„ \^^^'^ PRoPoQcn'"^"' '•> ='">' »' m? uu„u
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Whistle at .he close Of the I,. U s , ^^^''o» 1. Each "'^ Y VlCTUKlUUO
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curtain fell upon the last scene of i'enJ,l,Z v'^" ^«^ce,ve TOuR Of WUIV I H
most successful High School fia inches """e felt jo • ' » ^-^ ^^
Ball Tournament ever held in ^biie r^w" *'"'^'' eha/J h"" .a to 23-33. B. V. C.
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nual Gvm Exhibition
TM WMii® m}.'B. MM®
HE dualism of the world is reflected in all its parts. The publication
stands primarily for the Student Body; secondarily for the institu-
tion. For the student body it speaks of its life and activities; for the
institution of its aims and policies. The prime consideration of those
into whose hands the editing of the paper fell has been to have the pages of that
organ reflect the life, aims, policies and aspirations of all : both students and teach-
ers. So much for the setting.
The daily routine of business in putting forth the weekly issues as seen by
those "on the inside" presents indeed a double aspect: a "white" and a "blue" one.
The bright side we turn to the public with the finished product. There we "put
on" the air of the optimist and greet our fellows as if we were each the proud
possessor of a heart "in which there is no guile." The "blue" aspect of our jour-
nalistic career begins with the misspelled word of a teacher's contribution, and
extends to the printer's oaths as his staples fail to "cinch" his job. To those who
doubt our word of honor, a single visit to. cell No. 16 will be sufficient.
On the west, in the center of the dungeon, is the Editor's desk, with its
pigeon holes and curious workmanship. Here a sickly, shrivelled up species of the
genus "homo" is seen nervously fumbling over some stale jokes and trying with
all his linguistic attainments to decipher a collection of manuscripts written in
cuneiform characters.
Across the cell, east, is the compound, complex box jointly owned by the
President of the student body, the business manager, debating manager and the
athletic managers. Richards and his lady assistants are here busily and "buzzing-
ly" involved in the discussion of a subject which — matrimonially speaking — "is of
vital importance." Dave seldom raises his head ; his ears are far more keen than
his "seers." In addition to all this complex situation, a hundred visitors, includ-
ing sluffers and loafers are now knocking on the door for admission.
In the afternoon, life in this particular apartment becomes terribly intense.
All around, above and below, rumbling noises from distant drums, fifes, trombones,
violins and pianos come thundering into our ears. In truth, our mental equilibrium
is here often disturbed.
These are the dual aspects of the scribbler's life. These are the "white" and
"blue" phases of the "White and Blue" vocation. In the happy terminology of
Teddy the Great, "ours has been a strenuous life."
A. C. U.
■ nv\<
U. OF f.
SgA^ -^ OUR tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant
use." "The Pen is mightier than the sword," but the tongue is might-
ier than the pen. At least, the tools were sharpened when we encoun-
tered the A. C. — or when they encountered us ; so sharp indeed that
they cut their feet loose from the pedestal on which they were pretending to
stand, and sent them headlong.
While our A. C. friends were writhing with jealousy, our chcunpions, quietl>
and unpretentiously, returned home with the victory.
Like the battle of Bunker Hill was our case with the University of Utah.
ID^feMtoi] ^©(gtelas^
During the year, debating has been a very important part of the life of the B.
Y. U. Two societies, the Athena and the La Junta, have been in session once a
week. Their chief function has been to stimulate interest in debating and to de-
velop in the students the power to present an argument in a clear, logical, and con-
vincing manner.
Few of us are gifted with the ability to appear before an audience cind present
ideas without becoming embarrassed and confused. This ability in most cases must
be acquired. The debating societies have given ample opportunity for such devel-
opment. With Strength and Personality at the helm, the ship, DEBATING,
unlike the Titanc, steered clear of icebergs, despite the fact that it was often an-
chored in cold regions.
The summary is something like the story of Elijah and the widow.
There have been great things accomplished in the past, but the future prom-
ises greater things.
A fellow failing makes us wondrous unkind.
Charity is the sterilized milk of human kindness.
One good turn deserves applause.
A gentle lie turneth away inquiry.
Found in J. Orion Berry's note book : One night shalt thou study and on the
others do all thy queening.
Put a little sugar and cream on a Hy and it will taste very much like a black
Irene Wrathall to Clerk: "Please, I should like to see your white ebony
AMLET says to Polonius, "My Lord, you played once in the Univer-
sity, you say." To which Polonius replies, "That I did my lord, and
was accounted a good actor." These classic words of Polonius will
L.s5^^ be repeated more than once by the fortunate "fourteen" whom the
dray of events and the irony of fate thrust before the footlights in the drama, "Col-
lege Days."
The play, being the first presented by the Student Body, was carefully se-
lected, and, under the direction of Miss Beatrice Camp, ably executed. The two
cruel weeks consumed in the carving and filing process were soon forgotten. The
time arrived, and each appeared sparkling with life. The tension was im-
mense. The Garden City — loyal to her sons — in all of her splendor, lace and
powder, crowded to the quiet theatre. The curtain rose four times; two and a
half hours passed. The throng filed out and all was over. The wind outside
moaned and sighed, the snow covered the ground, and the darkness spoke still-
The tribunal which is to pronounce the word "success" or "failure" has not
yet sat. The literature of the time has many allusions to it, and from what we can
glean the delight of the spectators must have been intense.
The matron has this to say of it in her diary: "It is really one of the most
innocent and charming pictures that has come to us of the age, when so much is
hollow, pompous and seeming."
©m-a®!?!!©!!!! ©®aa-£®stt im IBsi3ra®sa
F the contests held within the school this year, the fight for the Bar-
ton and Blake medal, on Washington's birthday, stands pre-eminent.
Although there were only two who entered this battle of words, the
___„ orations given were, beyond doubt, the best in the history of the
school, and they showed that their authors had anticipated and were prepared to
meet the keenest competition.
Both of the speakers deserve honor, but there was only one medal to be
given; a decision had to be made, and, of course, no matter how good two things
may be, one is always the better, and so, although the work of Mr. Dean Brimhall
was exceptionally fine, it fell below the excellence of the young Samoan's, and Mr.
Roy Purcell became the victor of the field. But the vanquished had no cause for
sorrow ; there is honor even in defeat when our foe is great.
Collag-- Clab
HE College Club is a society to which every college student belongs
whether he has paid his club fee or not. It had its beginning long
before any of its present members were heard of, and came down to
us as a kind of legacy, the function of which was entirely unknown.
True it had a constitution, but that document contained only a vague hint as to
the purpose of the organization, and the veterans of the school said that, within
their time, the society had never done anything except hold its semi-annual elec-
tions; although, of course, some things may have been lost to their memories.
But whatever the history of the club may have been, does not concern us
now. The object of this article is to tell what the society has done since school
commenced last fall — since it elected Mr. Chas. Schwencke to the chair with Miss
Glenn Johnson and Mr. John G. Gubler as vice presidents, and conferred upon
Mr. Kelley the office of secretary and treasurer. Since that time College Club has
been successful in all its undetakings — except the collecting of that dollar as-
sessment, and it still has hopes of accomplishing even that.
The club is in rcedity the student-body of the college, and as such its special
function is the controlling of the student-body activities, such as socials, etc. ; but
aside from this it has been the object of the club to bring to the students the best
speakers of the state, and those who have attended its meetings know that in this
regard it has been successful. There certainly have been some very enjoyable lec-
tures held in the college this winter.
Of the parties given by the society, two especially, will be remembered: the
entertaining of the club by Miss Gleen Johnson at her home on December 17th,
and the college ball given in the Mozart January 24th.
The second election of College Club was held February 3rd, 1913. Mr.
Kenneth Parkinson was chosen president, and Miss Merline Roylance and Miss
Marian Andelin were given the honors of first and second vice presidents respec-
tively. Mr. B. Y. Baird was the successful candidate for secretary and treasurer.
By the new executive there remain two things to be accomplished — the collect-
ing of the club fee and the completing of the tennis court on Temple hill. Both
are practically achieved.
^W^fM^ i:r
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FTER several weeks of impatient waiting we were at last blessed with
a fine day, on Wednesday, April 16th, and while the little "forget-me-
nots of the angels" were still twinkling on that beautiful morn, slowly
one by one the faculty members could be seen feeling their way through
the darkness toward the bosom of the mountain, where lies the huge
Y, a S5mibol of the patriotism, activity, and honor of the students of the
B. Y. U. past, present, and future. Then followed a loyal band of fel-
lows, each laden with a goodly portion of lime or cement, and by 7
o'clock almost an unbroken line of men could be seen extending from
the foot of the mountain to the great Y, far up the lofty steep.
Once at the side of the old letter we immediately began her reno-
vation. Up the steep mountain side into the shade of the big cliffs darted
the wiry "Freshies," who soon returned, bearing precious sacks of snow,
which the Juniors converted into water with heat made by wood lugged
in by the noble "Sophs." In the meantime, the industrious faculty
chaps banished all foreign material from Y's face, and applied a new
coat of powder to her blistered cheeks, while a group of Seniors sat
peacefully by and watched a few of their more ambitious classmates,
assisted by a bunch of pleasant Freshmen, put a cement poultice of
1000 square feet on old Y's chin. The sand was carried by the High
School lads who did their work well.
About 2 o'clock the monstrous emblem was shining in a new dress
of white, and the boys started a mad charge down the hill. Order could
not be restored until the leaders struck the school lawn and found the
girls smilingly waiting to administer to the fellows' badly warped appe-
tites. Oh ! how we did eat while the fair ones gently cooed and refilled
our plates with beans, sandwiches, cake, etc., etc. No man departed
hungry, and few left without smiling.
There were some "sluffers," but they belonged to freak classes
known as "muckrakers," imbeciles, and dead heads. Pity was expressed
on all sides for these unfortunates who knew not what they did.
Never did a better school spirit prevail, and long may the old Y be
greeted with such enthusiasm and love.
F^miMl^ir^^ W)mj
HE old Alma Mater has seen thirty-seven birthdays, but none more fit-
tingly remembered than the last one. Pluvius was hibernating, and old
Sol, remembering the occasion, did himself proud. It was one of those
autumn days when the valley ozone penetrates one with the glad-to-
be-alive spirit.
The morning pageant surpassed Founders' Day traditions. It really was a
splendid showing, made particularly so by the presence of two beautiful floats.
New ribbons, arm-bands, brass bands, pennants and specially creased trousers were
much in evidence, as were also the basso profundo cheers of the freshmen, whose
voices were then hardly accustomed to such loquacious exuberance. It was good
to have ears, however.
At College Hall an exceptional service was provided. The string quartette was
in splendid form, and rendered several selections with usual finesse ; the clear song
of the violins softened by the mellowness of the cello, caused many an eye to
The address of the President was reminiscent in nature, and in perfect harmony
with the occasion.
Prof. Alice Reynolds, the orator of the day, took as her theme "The Value ot
Having the Best," and beautifully told how the rendition of Wagner's "Tann-
hauser," by the College Choir, had enriched her life.
Uncle Jesse, as Vice President of the Board of Trustees, was then given the
chair, and he presided with usual dignity.
After splendid talks by all visiting Board members, Brother Knight deliverea
one of his characteristic utterances on practical education. The ability of our dear
old friend to clothe extraordinary ideas in humble expressions is remarkable. No
one snores or scores when our Vice President speaks.
After Founders' Day dinner the scenes were shifted to the campus, where the
respective classes vied with one another in racing, jumping, and shot-putting. Re-
markable records were made in the teeth-gritting, grimace-making, and grunt-emit-
ting subdivision of these diversions, otherwise, the greenness of the participants
(just one week in school) was a little in evidence.
The winners of the day's honors were the lucky 13's H. S.
After the racing, a "rope rush" was scheduled. The overall garbed third-years
and the cravatless prospective graduates came together with a mighty concussion
in an effort to lay hands on some thirteen centimeters of Manila hemp, that had
once seen service as a halter.
It having been some time since taking dinner, both factions immediately pro-
ceeded to eat dust, ears, shirt-tails, and cuticle. Fond embraces were executed
without embarrassment.
Overalls took on sheath-gown appearance, suspenders departed thence, and
that wasn't all that happened. When the air cleared it was seen that the 14's had
won by two hands.
All in all, the day was one to be remembered. Both during the morning at
the devotional service, as also during the fun, in the afternoon, the friendliest
spirit prevailed. Why does Founders' Day, like Christmas, come but once a year?
m^sM' mmf
NE can as easily imagine Provo without Mount Timpanogos as this
school without one day given exclusively to tlie "better-half." Yet
for twenty-three years the institution was without a girls' organiza-
tion. Oh, the girls did things — such as accidentally (?) falling into a
culvert while the boys were digging the sewer trench in 1901; in-
sisting on sandwiching the sagebrush grubbers on the campus, etc.,
but until the fall of 1902, when our splendid friend Miss Reynolds in-
stituted "Girls' Day," we were no better off than the boys. "Girls'
Day," at first, was just for the girls, and the party was a real "hen
party." The boys in those days did not have the happy privilege of being "chased"
by a handsome miss and tangled into accepting an invitation that possibly might
have meant a "stiddy" — even a "weddin'." But the all-consuming curiosity that
man is heir to, got the better of the heroic sex, and while the party of 1904 was in
progress, about forty popular Pandoras climbed into College Hall "to see, to peek,
perhaps e'en to hear" what was going on in the gym. . Two very wise maidens,
however, quietly left the gym and turned on the lights in College Hall, exposing
the disconcerted ones, who tried to hide their shame by crawling under the seats.
The following year, they went one step farther than "peeking," and dressed one
of their most popular slender blondes in dainty attire and curly hair and sent "her"
to the party. It really worked, too — for about an hour, but the girls decided it
was impossible to have a party without being bothered with "fellows," so on May
5, 1905, the first Girls' ball was given. The net proceeds were $166.00, so it must
have been a huge success.
It was in the year 1904-5 that the Girls' Rest Room was founded and named
by Miss Reynolds. Ours was the first real rest room in the state. The other
schools who have followed our example have also called their rooms by the same
name. The beautiful Navajo rugs on the floor were a gift from twenty boys of
the school that same year. As a result of the girls' party this year an excellent
leather couch has been added to our Rest Room.
The boys should begin now to sue for an invitation to our party next year, as
the new gjonnasium will be finished ; besides, if they live far enough away they
insyC?) gst a street car ride thrown in.
I— I
|N the early fall of 1912, soon after the school was grinding, the girls of this institu-
tion were called into a private meeting presided over by members of the faculty.
The good purpose of this meeting was to instruct the girls in regard to their moral
standing, emphasizing with whom and when they should attend dances or picture
shows. After the victorious sermon on conduct the girls, with a most distinguish-
ing effort, resolved that they would nevermore, without a BOY, attend another
dance. This did not include picture shows.
Well! Oh, my! But alas, poor Frank Winn was in the library and heard all the above pro-
ceedings. The girls said their little scheme would have worked all right, but for sneak Winn.
The following Friday a number of very worthy gentlemen went, as usual, to the Mozart, with-
out their lady escorts, and there enjoyed the dance, participating in every set (the set in the
Mr. Ashton sent his maid-servants to the Barton and Blake Furniture store for extra chairs
to accommodate the B. Y. U. Suffragettes at the picture show. From the pictures they marched to
Startup's and enjoyed the usual refreshments, to which they were accustomed after the dance.
The soured bunch of stags went from the Mozart and gave the girls a very hearty welcome? Well,
I guess nit.
The police force was called, and under its direction the noble soldiers of our school counter-
marched to our educational factory, where they gave a rousing yell for their superiors and guar-
The girls seemed to be more than pleased with their first night out, and immediately planned
to abolish mere man from their society. They exercised woman suffrage to its utmost, donned
pants, and resolved to give the boys an (un)royal welcome. Several weeks elapsed. Finding
themselves alone, they determined to make the best of their results. Choosing a balmy evening
(when their desires ran more toward strolling, but could not be accomplished alone) they planned
a popcorn shower, which proved to be an EMINENT SUCCESS, AS IT WERE.
Presently the situation became so acute that it became necessary to bridle this rampant
female tyranny, but how should this voluminous flow of sisterly ambition be stemmed without
causing the soft featured warriorettes to charge the stags with uncomely tactics.
Finally they were met on their own ground. The tongue was used as the only weapon. They
were beguiled into rescinding their declaration of celibacy by a group of smihng, yet wily, he-
human beings who were descendants of Adam, but not so credulous.
The irritated beauties went alone to a dance arranged by the fellows, and thus broke their much-
vaunted vow. Thev now recognize the diplomatic proceedings of the sterner sex to excel all fee-
ble female efforts, and say they will never more take action without first consulting their sagacious
male friends.
By cu J-\'JJ^ SiUiiZsci'^
HE Physical Training Department is off the mark and pounding the
cinders hard, but it has not struck its stride yet. When it does get
going with every nerve and fibre, limb and muscle finely adjusted and
working in beautiful unison, the great old Brigham Young University,
students and faculty alike, will present a different front — ^yes, and
a different back. Then our department will embrace the entire school and
cease to be a department, and will become an aspect of the student and fac-
ulty life. Then we shall have a new gymnasium equipped for hundreds, a new
swimming pool, indoor hand-ball courts, bowling alleys, and volley-ball spaces.
Then our campus and fields will be covered with baseball and play ground ball
diamonds, croquet grounds, and tennis courts. Then when the successful school
day is over — when mathematical problems are solved, literary treasures stored
in healthy brains; when new facts in psychology and philosophy are learned, when
the daily mite of proficiency in commerce, agriculture, carpentry, blacksmithing,
art, domestic science is acquired; when the students have finished their fascinat-
ing laboratory work in physics and chemistry, then, in the late afternoon hour, the
whole school will come out in the open and engage in healthful play, washing out
the mental fatigue, and fixing permanently with good, fresh, red blood the ac-
quired truths of the day.
The tennis courts and fields will be spotted white with boys and girls in vigor-
ous exercise. The athletic fields will be covered with brawny athletes matching
their superior powers in fierce but fair combat. There the individual star will be
submerged in a veritable milky way of athletic prowess. And when evening drives
this happy throng into their rooms, they will be ready for study of the most
profitable kind. This is our dream of the future, and it will be realized.
ASKETBALL has always been a major sport at the B. Y. U.
This season's work began with a rousing good spirit. The material
selected showed the making of a winning team, and another banner year
for the B. Y. U.
Our first lineup, with Giant Richards at center, was almost a per-
fect machine. The boys worked as a unit, and made a wonderful show-
ing in their clever passing and team work. Their record beating scores,
piled up on the rural teams in the early part of the season, about con-
vinced every ball fan that the "Y" boys would be the invincible five.
The scores of the following games showed them to be a strong team.
Springville High vs. B. Y. U., 6-44. Payson City vs. B. Y. U., 28-76.
Weber Academy vs. B. Y. U., 34-48. L. D. S. vs. B. Y. U.. 19-44.
Spanish Fork vs. B. Y. U., 16-46. Old Stars vs. B. Y. U., 27-61
Burlington vs. B. Y. U., 17-49.
The big five were never defeated until they met the old veterans
from the U. of U. on our own floor. Here we learned how to be good
loosers as we had been good victors.
But there was to be a return game. On the 22nd of February our
boys, in splendid trim, accompanied by a trainload of loyal students
waving the White and Blue, met the U. of U. at the Deseret Gym. The
hall was filled to overflowing ; the cheers of the rooters were deafening
— it was a sight to behold. For an hour the suspense grew. Wait ! At
the close of the second half the score was 26-26. The tie was played off
— the Crimsons were fortunate — but the heroic spirit of our boys and of
the Student Body will carry us to victory in the future.
Our "Y" Masa a'i Sio£:i<:ii©lm
jHEN Craig (American) won the ICO meter dash and Meredith (American) the 800;
when Kelley (American) landed the 110 meter hurdles, and Reidpath (American)
beat out Hans Braun in the 40C; when the American Indian took both the pentath-
lon and decathlon events, and when the American team, led by Alma W. Richards of
the Brigham Young University appropriated practically all of the field events, there
went up in the stadium at Stockholm an American "tiger" that made the very Norse-
men rattle their bones and turn over. "What's that?" ventured one of those ancient brethren, as
he was jostled about in his cavern, "is that an earthquake?" "No," replied a neighboring cadaver,
who had traveled extensively, "that is the War Cry of those American savages."
In the stadium above, the Europeans were fairly deafened by the fervid exuberance of three
thousand college throats. Epiglottis or no epiglottis; pharynx or no pharynx, Adam's apple or no
Adam's apple, out these ripping "rahs" must come.
The world's greatest athletes were assembled in that stadium. The royalty of Europe with
thirty thousand enthusiasts packed the stands; Englishmen praying for the English, the Swedes for
the Swedes, and the Americans for the bearers of the Stars and Stripes.
Into this glorious assemblage a Utah boy found his way. His bearinp. while not haughty, was
erect. Utah's valley tan and his splendid physique caused him to appear to advantage in his
jumping togs. He was pitted against fifty of the world's best; the champion, himself, was among
them. One by one. as the jumping grew upward, these worthies fell out. leaving, finally, the great
Horine, Lieske, the German, and Richards of the B. Y. U. Horine had noticed the naturalness of
Richards' spring, and all of a sudden developed a peculiar longing for San Francisco. It was at
this juncture that this great jumper had to fall out, leaving the B. Y. U. to battle for the Stars and
Stripes. Lieske cleared, and twice Richards knocked the bar dowm; a third trial, however, saw him
over, with inches to spare. The bar was raised and the German failed to clear. It was at this point
that the young Utahn was under his greatest strain. The honor of his country, his state, and his
Alma Mater were in his custody and visions of this responsibility for a moment numbed him.
Then, after warming up slightly, he summoned his powers, and reinforcing them with a liberal
portion of that old, determined, B. Y. U. spirit, he jumped. The official photographs show a mar-
gin of over two inches, and a grimace that would shade Roosevelt's. When the talented Lieske
saw Richards' spring he suddenly remembered some pressing business that was pending in Berlin.
After this event, the great German jumper could not even get his knees up to the bar.
Throughout the entire journey our jumper was treated royally, shaking hands with monarchs
and being given the freedom of European cities were among the every-day occurrences. In New
York and Boston, there were demonstrations of the American sort. Governors and mayors -/ied
with one another in their efforts to extend a rousing welcome.
Richard's real calibre was indicated all along the line. Money offers of all kinds were made him
in an eflfort to secure his services. A tobacco company wanted his picture for advertising pur-
poses, and some schools offered him special privileges with mercenary advantages, but he turned
the whole bunch down. '
It was in the little town of Helper on the way home, that he also showed the real man in him.
Director Roberts, who had gone out to meet Richards, was endeavoring to locate him when the
Director suddenly felt himself warmly embraced by arms that were certainly not feminine. Rich-
ards then acknowledged the role that Director Roberts had played in hoisting the White and Blue
and the Red White and Blue at Stockholm.
All Provo was at the station as the jumper arrived. A mile of autos. lavishly decorated, tried
to express the city's appreciation.
A year later Richards participated in a meet at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, and exhibited
the same prowess.
The records show.
Richards (Brigham Young University), First.
Yale and Harvard. Tie for Second.
America, Utah, Provo, and the B. Y. U. are richer for Richards.
Silica !?"
INCE baseball has been put on a firm financial basis, it has prospered
greatly, and has become one of the major sports of the school. It
has been the means of widely advertising our school, and has brought
some honors to it. This year the prospects are bright. Five of the
old men are back, and four good substitutes have been found. Johnson is out
of the game, but his position as pitcher is pretty well filled by Carrick and Baird.
The men are all in good condition, and expect some brilliant victories.
We regret that the coming records cannot be tabulated, but since we shedl
have a year book next year that will record the events, we shall be content to
wait for it.
I F you could spend an hour some afternoon at the track, and see the
splendid work done there, you would get a glimpse of the good that
such work is doing. But aside from that you would be wonderfully
entertained. You would see Billy Baird with his associates, Jenkins,
Jones, and Jakman, sprint; Brimhall, Eyre, and Higgins in the long; Jenkins,
Daniels, and Parkinson on the hurdles; with Hales running like a whirlwind the
whole distance of a mile. Then you would see Richards jump higher than any man
in the world can jump.
These exercises, and many more, have done much for our school, since it pro-
vides the splendid campus we now enjoy. The spirit of friendly rivalry, the loy-
alty to Alma Mater, the deep love for the institution, are elements the track has
helped to develop. It has also given us world-wide recognition.
Tenuis at the B. Yo U-
ENNIS may never become the game for grand-stand plays that some
of the other games have become, but it is fast forging to the front as
a favorite with the majority of students who need light exercise.
Its advantage lies in the mildness of its demands upon the whole sys-
tem, but particularly in exercising proper poise and quick judgment. Tennis af-
fords everything in physical recreation — minus the brutal.
It is pleasing to the tennis fans to see the interest taken in the game this
year, and while many are playing for the first time, their pleasure has grown to
be intense in a game so clean, a game that affords no opportunity for coarse con-
duct or profane language.
Our school was the first to list tennis with other athletic activities, and has
carried off intercollegiate laurels the past two seasons.
Our star player, "Milt" Fletcher, is "doing" Africa just now, and new men
will have to "fight it out" with the state schools. But some good material is
developing in the try-outs, and the yearly tournament will see us making a splen-
did showing.
HE past year has been the most successful year for wrestUng that we
have ever had. It is the first year that we have had competition;
L\/- m.'^t"^ therefore the first time that the Student Body has recognized it as one
03^::=:^^ of its sports. The U. of U., we are sorry to say, could not find time to
come down to Provo to meet our team, after we agreed to pay all of their expenses.
The only competition we were able to get this year was a dual meet with the
A. C. U. They have a strong team which is shown by the fact that they won five
out of six matches in their meet with the B. Y. C, before they met our team.
The Aggies came to Provo expecting to scoop the B. Y. U. bunch, but they
were very much surprised when they met our husky little team. Our fellows
simply had them outclassed at every stage of the game. Although Harris, our
feather-weight, was sick and in no shape to wrestle, the A. C. man was never
master until the last twenty seconds. Teeples, our middle-weight, had everything
his way until he caught his foot in the carpet, which tripped him, causing him to
fall on his head, stunning him for several seconds. The A. C. man fell on top and
got the fall. The result was a tie, each securing three matches.
There were only three that could enter from the B. Y. U., but the result was
two medals.
In addition to this a class series was "pulled off." There were four classes
that had come up to the finals, each, having lost one meet. However, the class of
1915 came out victorious, after a hard and close fight.
f^i #'f^
GYM. r.iui.s
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N Saturday, May 3, the Y track boys made a dashing trip to the
metropolis, in autos, to give the muscle "wigglers" a rub, on the
track and field. The result was slightly in favor of the gentlemen of
the State dispensary of learning. The trip was made in autos fur-
nished by some of Provo's leading citizens. These generous people furnished
their cars without expense, and thus helped the Student Body to save over $100.
The men extending this courtesy were: W. D. Roberts, J. F. Farrer, Thos.
Taylor, Len Scofield, President G. H. Brimhall, Fera Decker, J. William Knight,
Andrew Knudsen. Others offered their services, but it was unnecessary to have
more cars. The students appreciate this favor, and will return the kindness in
any way they can.
The meet went along well, but our boys fell short in the distances. Hciles
showed up well in the mile, but lost to more experienced men. Richards was, as
usual, the star, and took 23 points. Will Baird, Budge Daniels, Henry Jones,
Barkdull and Eyre also did good work.
We were beaten, but we'll loom up well in the State meet.
-.sf^ ;--Y-^'
Annual Track and Field Meet
HE Annual Track and Field Meet and Relay Carnival for 1913 was a
hummer. The day was bright, almost hot, though it was but the 26th
of April. The crowds were unusually large, and their enthusiasm
was equalled only by their abundant good nature. The track was in
fine shape, while the athletes, well — some of them "couldn't be beat."
The officials kept things moving like the proverbial "clock work," only the
speed with which they rushed off the different events would have left far in the
rear the fastest clock in town.
Almost a hundred B. Y. U. huskies had been carefully groomed for the occa-
sion, and as the hour for action approached, they were restlessly champing the
bits. Besides these, there were present, with no less eagerness, though mayhap
with more timidity, worthy representatives of the Provo City Schools and of the
leading High Schools of the county. And every class and every school had its
loyal supporters, most of whom had brought along an extra pair of lungs for the
occasion. The fellows yelled their encouragement and approval till all their lungs
were sore, while the girls fluttered their brightest ribbons and smiled their sweet-
est smiles (and screamed a little) to cheer on the sun. burned lads straining and
panting for glory on the cinder path below. When the girls' relay was run, the
officials had to swear in a hundred deputies to keep back the crowd — of boys.
The morning events, the shot, hammer, and discus throws, were only for a
warming-up effect, yet the spirit of rivalry was just as marked as in the finals;
and the results gave the "Freshies" a narrow lead which they managed in a
fierce struggle to maintain over their determined rivals, the "Unlucky 13's" till the
final event, when the "Uuluckies" nosed ahead and won the interclass champion-
ship of the meet.
While no world's records were broken, some surprises were sprung, chief of
which was Henry (Tweed) Jones' (H. S. 15) capture of four "firsts." Wayne
Hales won the mile event in a manner that gives promise of a brilliant future for
him and the school in the long races. Others who pounded out first honors at the
tape were Halverson, H. Jenkins, Eyre, Duke and Haymond. Other first place
winners were Pack, Adams, and Simmons.
Herculean heavers of the shot and discus merited their share of the honors,
and the spring-heeled winners of the flat and tall jumps drew admiring exclama-
tions from the crowd; but the snappy short sprints, and the nerve and muscle-
straining relays were the events that brought the crowd to its feet and turned
it into a hilarious multitude. And no wonder ! For not only were all the events
hotly contested to the very tape, but the speed displayed by a large number of
the light-footed winners was such as to make the wing-footed Mercury tremble for
his future laurels.
The presence and prowess of the county schools added much to the success
of the day, and we say "Come again" in the same capacity or, better still, join the
big school and win and wear a Y.
stake High School Basket Ball
N March 6th, 7th, and 8th, the University was honored with the pres-
ence of many visitors from all parts of the State, who had come to take
part in the annual State High School Basketball Tournament. The
visitors were a trifle strange and awkward in their movements about the
campus. This was a result of their previous visits to Salt Lake City,
where the tournament has been heretofore held. Before the boys and
girls left Provo, they felt more at home, and some expressed a desire
to return to the B. Y. U., because of the cordial treatment they had
received at the hands of the Student Body, represented by the "Y" boys
of our school acting as a committee of welcome.
Did you say success? Well! that was spelled out in every game
that was played on the old "Y" Gym. The benches were filled every
night. Some people went to see how gracefully the boys from Price
and Murdock could hold their hands on their hips, while the L. D. S.
and Weber caged the pig-skin. Many went to hear how much noise
such a small bunch of rooters from Heber could make, while their team
was playing with Lehi. Others responded to the call, and gladly paid
fifty cents to see the beautiful sky-pink uniforms.
The last day of the tournament came with the L. D. S. and Weber
heading the two winning lists. From the time the first whistle blew
until Weber won the game, Archie was kept busy following the ball.
.When the final wistle blew, Weber walked out champion, amid the
thunderous yells of the L. D. S. rooters.
The games were clean, and the boys acted like gentlemen through-
out the evening. It was an exhibition showing good training and clean
The final send-off came when the B. Y. U., under the direction of
the Domestic Science Department, banqueted the contestants and sent
them home with glad hearts, and a good taste in their mouths.
The Faci:i!l77 f5^t5 Si!)5?^«tMng
Oc;i;i._. . , .., _- _,-iy i^'acuiiy iVi-sailiicj. Place: Room 35.
HE 12 o'clock whistle blows just ls President Brimhall rises to his feet, with: "Our
attendance last week was phenomenal — 99 f per cent present, and no failures. Think
of it! Not a single failure in a school of 1300 students, and with less than one per
cent absent! It's wonderful — wonderful!"
Brother Holt: "Excuse me. President Brimhall, but I was going to mention to
you this afternoon that most of the teachers have not been figuring their percents
correctly. I was amazed at the showing myself, so went over a few of the reports, and found that
but a very small percentage of this faculty know how to work the simplest problem in percentage."
President Brimhall: "Well, let's take just a minute to have Brother Holt show us how it's done."
(Brother Holt goes to the beard. Miss EUiott looks at her watch, frowns and taps her foot
Brother Holt: "Suppose a teacher has 49 students in a class that meets every day, and there
were 3 students absent, you multiply 49 by 6, subtract 3 times 6, divide the balance by 100, and — "
Brother Boyle: "There must be some simpler method. That way is all right for the com-
merecial faculty, but what are the rest of us to do. I don't understand what Brother Holt is try-
ing to get at."
Dr. Fletcher: "Brother Holt has a wrong system entirely (going to board, picks up chalk and
commences figuring). The only way to find out the percentage is first to find out the number of
recitations held a week, on a one-student basis, then — "
Professor Hinckley: "But the Music faculty are the only ones who have one-student classes.
Now I have one class with 27 in, one class with 5, and — "
Professor Partridge (interrupting): "Brother Hinckley, don't you understand what Dr. Fletcher
means? It's as simple as the nose on your face. Now, if you have 27 in a class and that class meets
three times a week, and on Saturdays, you would have — (finding he can't figure it in his head, he
also goes to the board) — you would have 81 and 27 recitations a week for each student."
Professor Ward's poplar-tree figure makes its way to the board: "The only way to give this
faculty a clear understanding of this, is to first work the problem out in Algebra, then transpose it
to Arithmetic. Now, the 27 students in Professor Hinckley's class ecual X — "
(It is 12:45. Miss Camp slips through the siide door into the library. Hattie and Leona eye
her enviously — they are on the opposite side of the room.)
Miss Reynolds (looking up from the newspaper she has been reading): "This is ridiculous. I
couldn't figure anything like that out in twenty years, and I'm sure I don't want Miss Evans to
spend two hours a week dcing it for me."
Professor Glade now goes to the board: "Let me explain this. Everybody attention ein! zwi!
Suppose I have 79 students in my Theology class; that class is held sometimes 3 and sometimes
4 times a week. I would hold either 237 or 316 recitations a week for one student, and for 79 stu-
dents I would hold 24,964 recitations. Now if there were 19 students absent from 2 classes, it
would be the same as 19 times 6, times 2; total 228 students absent, less 316 — "
President Brimhall: "I understand it thoroughly. How many of the teachers feel that they
can hand in their reports at the end of this week and know that they will be correct?" (No response,
except from the professors at the board.) "Well, we'll stay rt-ht in this room until "ou do under-
stand it. Brother nolt, begin all over again."
Brother Holt: "Now, we have 10 — "
Professor Lund: "President Brimhall, I feel that I understand that now, and I should like to
be excused. Mrs. Lund doesn't like to wait dinnner later than 1 o'clock and — "
President Brimhall: "Certainly, Brother Lund: I feel certain your report was correct last
Miss Walker: "Professor Lund didn't hand in his report last week."
President Keeler (at whose home they have luncheon at 1:30): "I move you. President Brim-
hall. that a committee be appointed to devise a scheme of figuring out this simple problem, and
that the same be presented for our approval at the next weekly faculty meeting."
Brother Holt: " But is there any need of that? Don't you think they all understand it now?
Is it clear to you. President Brimhall?"
(The 1 o'clock bell rings out.) '
President Brimhall:: "Yes, but I can't understand it. We will put the motion on the table
until tomorrow. Brother Hayes, is the time up?"
TO PROF. HOLT: "Say. Professor Holt, don't you think it's a shame that so many nice girls
are destined to be old-maid school teachers? Seems to me there are lots of fellows around
here who would be glad to have wives who can help them, financially and otherwise. Now
Anna Evert is a mighty fine girl. sews, and all that. She would make a splendid wife for
any one of six fellows in the college. Then Hattie Walker (one of the sunshiniest little girls
ever wuz) would make a dandy wife for Carl Eyring. I've snoken to him several times
about it, and I've talked to her. too. And, Brother Holt, you know Sam Baird? I've tried
to talk him into taking her out. If I wuz a-sparkin'. she's just the girl I'd choose. Oh, yes,
she would! I wouldn't take no for an answer — (Seems to me some of these Professors is
mighty busy when I want to talk to them.)
TO WELLS L. BRIMHALL: "Dean and that little Irvine gal is gettin' pretty thick, ain't they?
She asked him to the leap-year ball, and he's been gone ever since. I wonder if he's ever
kissed her. She's so dark and he's so fair, they sure would make a fine couple. Dean ought
to go to school awhile before the weddin'. though.
TO BROTHER HAYES: 'Brother Hayes, you see these young couples more than 1 do, becaus'
they go to the dances where you play. Yes, I'm getting too old for dances, but in my day
there wasn't a young fellow in the country who could out do me with the girls. Oh, I get
around about as good as the best of 'em, but them two falls of mine just about put me on
the shelf. But don't go. Brother Hayes, what I want to know is, do you think Alma Rich-
ards is going to get away with the Pierpont girl? I asked her father about it, but he said
Pauline had two or three fellows in Salt Lake and one in California — you do say! Once in
awhile somethin' happens I don't hear about. Do you know, lots of the fellows tell me their
troubles — that flood in Ohio was awful, wasn't it? — yes, of course, my wife and I have a little
trouble occasionally — they tell me that Jim Bullock is breaking his heart over Tillie Olsen,
and that Tillie is in love with Hal, only Hal loves that little black-haired Bonnette girl — al-
ways some poor fellow or girl in trouble.
TO DAVE WILSON: "Dave, why don't you get married? Who was it told me the other day
that you were gone on Nellie Taylor, only she had a fellow on a mission. There's lots of
other nice girls in this school. Not old enough to get married! You're kiddin' rne! Why,
I wuz married long before I wuz your age. I'll tell you. Dave, there is nothing like gettin'
married younp and having all your ups-and-dowm together. You afraid of ups-and-downs
— why. when I wuz your age. I wasn't afraid of nothing — a class, well, I talk to you about
it some other time when you are busy."
TO BERT EASTMOND: "Bert, you sure did surprise me. Do you know I wouldn't believe a
word about your weddin' until it had come off. I thought you would git away with either
one of our office girls. Arthur Beeley told me they wuz both gone on you. And say, I
wonder if Arthur Beeley is goin' to get married before he goes on a mission? He ought
to, because you can't trust girls for two years. She will — oh, you don't know wimen yet!
I haven't seen any more carnations on Hattie's typewriter — afraid to — you make me laueh!
And Bert — couldn't stand two of them, why, maybe you wouldn't have had to have them
both. They always do why — "
TO SOUTH WICK: "When are you goin' to leave for your mission? In June! That's pretty
soon. Say. is it true that Lottie is out in that mining camp making her weddin' outfit? Aw,
fess up now! I saw Schwencke talking to that little Russell girl three times yesterda" and
I've asked a half dozen since if they thought — But, by the way, do yoJ think Glen Johnson
got that school up near Salt Lake to be close to Kimball?— I think she did. Mrs. Dusenberry
told me this morning that Margaret had two new beaux — O, I'm not around talking about
other people's affairs, and I'd rather not tell their names, if you don't mind. But Southwick.
do you think Randall and — which one of the Newell girls is it? I have a time keeping them
all in mind — time to close the store. I just have one more question to ask you: When — "
TO MARION HARRIS: "You're too voung, Marion! Well, twenty isn't old enough for a boy to
be hanging around the girls. I've seen you twice. But, Marion, have you heard when that
Callaway fellow and that laughin' little Camp girl are going to be wed? I did hear that
myself, but they're too thick for her to have another fellow. Mrs. Dusenberry told me this
morning that Miss Elliott told her that Miss Ward said that Hermese Peterson and Lottie
Harris were both broken-hearted, and that — say, Marion, do you knew anything about Merle
Murdock and that Greenwocd basketball player? I'm trying to keep things straight, but it's
rather hard — well. I'll tell you about it again some time."
PsTxLiipii Ton 'Do<:]^i l<:no'w 1% Jynl "PvoL
^Os:>sn<^yiiil 'I'^^^h^^ '^ligll^'h 1
At 1:02 Prof. Osmond reaches for his roll-book; "All those who are not on time will be considered
late and theoretically absent."
(Rose Welker, Miss Eyring. and Peter Parkinson arrive just in time to hear the word "absent." A
sound as of an injured puppy is heard in the corridor, and Jim Clove, red-faced and puffing,
enters the room and slops all over the nearest chair.)
Prof. Osmond: "I do wish. Brother Clove, that you would soak your shoes in warm water tonight
so you won't disturb this class for three minutes before you enter the room. Are you pre-
pared today?"
Clove: "I have written three themes, hunted the derivation of 250 words, read twenty simple
paragraphs in Gcnung's, but I had to find out why the sun sets for Dr. Fletcher, so couldn't
write those two special briefs you wanted."
Roy Welker: "If jimmie thinks Genung's is simple, he's the only one in the class who does. It
took me two months to get used to it. I used to study six hours a day for this class; now I
can get my preparations in eighteen hours a week."
Prof. Osmond: "'Silence is the perfectest herald of Joy.' Mr. Welker, I did not call on you to
talk. The time it takes to prepare a lesson depends entirely upon the student. 'Well-
arranged time is the surest mark of a well-arranged mind." Time is the old Justice that ex-
amines all offenders.' Mr. Beard, how long did it take you to get your preparation?"
Clarence: "I was up at 4:30 this morning and —
Prof. Osmond: "I was not talking to you; it is understood that vou will take all the time you
Chauncey: "I only had four hours to eive to this lesson today, and — "
Prof. Osmond: "Mr. Winn, read your theme. You have been eminently successful this winter.
(Miss Eyring, you and Mr. Taylor are making too much noise. 'Gossip is always a personal
confession either of malice or imbecility.')"
(Frank Winn reads, "My Lost Love;" Miss Welker sobs hysterically.)
Prof. Osmond (looking at Rose): '"As in the sweetest bud the eating canker dwells, so eating love
inhabits in the finest wits of all.' Brother Beard, let us hear your poem."
" 'Twas morn when I awoke to see.
My Viv had run away from me.
She whom I lov'd with all my heart —
And we had promised ne'er to part;
But now I can get Venice, I think —
That is, if I can get the chink.
So I turn my voice to God,
And throw mv cares down on the sod."
Prof. Osmond: "I did not quite catch all the words: please repeat." (Chauncey re-reads his poem.)
"Very, very fine; reminds me of Shakespeare's sonnet, 'When to the sessions of sweet silent
thought, I summon up remembrance of things past.' Did Mr. Winn help you?"
Chauncey: "No, sir. I did it under inspiration."
Prof. Osmond: "Mr. Parkinson, read your poem on Hamlet's Soliloquy. — Oh, I forgot that you
are theoretically not here. We cannot hear from you tcday."
(A shadow crosses the window. Lois points her finger, and all the class watch Howe Chipman go
down the oatn. A half-minute later, Pearl comes into the room.)
Prof. Osmond: "Miss Romney. theoretically speaking, you haven't been to this class once this
year. You owe me 320 themes, and you have failed me at least 1000 times when I have
called on you to give definitions. Where is your theme tcday?"
Pearl: "Why, Prof. Osmond, I was ill last night, and the night before I had company, and the night
before that I tried hard to study, but I didn't know — "
Prof. Osmond: "We can't take up the time of this class with flimsy excuses. 'Talkers are not
doers.' Miss, Miss. Miss. Miss— Miss, Miss H — Miss Hicks (I promise never to forget your
name again), give us the etymology of the word 'Alexander'."
Bertha: "Alexander is an old Rom — "
Peter P: "Romance — she means."
(The 2 o'clock bell is heard in the distance.)
Prof. Osmond: "There is the bell. For tomorrow write the following themes:
Higher Criticism
The Paraphrase
Meter in Poetry
Expcsiticn of Symbols of Things
Natural Sub-division of Logical Baseball
Redi'ctio ad A'bsirrdirm
Th^ Stiaf!^3^4-Bc47 M^m^fit
NE of the most refreshing entertainments which has been given under
the direction of the Student Body, was the concert in the Stake Taber-
nacle Friday, May 2nd.
The music rendered by the combined School and Tabernacle Choirs
was good enough to be sung in any house of royalty.
The singing of Mrs. Fay Loose Stiehl was enjoyed by the audience,
and much applause was heard after the final selection, which was evi-
dence of a desire for more.
For a while we thought that the crowd would never let Mrs. Sybella
Clayton Bassett have a rest, so great was the applause after the rendi-
tion of each piece.
The Orchestra was in splendid working order, and filled us with
emotions of love, sorrow, laughter and dance.
All those who featured in the concert must flatter themselves on
the huge success.
iiCJXIODlj £lOi'^iGl'£i i-Xi^iJJ TlEHil
Silirear Bell
O with a smile all the while to beguile
Us to fearing comes our foes from the north.
They are most certain they'll win
An easy victory.
But, with our team, they do seem in a dream
For so quickly are they left in the rear —
And now they tremble to hear
This sweet refrain:
"Our dear old College
Knows not defeat, (Rah! Rah! Rah!)
We always beat,
This is our motto, when we enter the contest,
Ever to greet (Rah! Rah! Rah!)
More victory for the B. Y. U."
Now in the fight, they are quite out of sight;
In the middle of the game, so to say,
They are beginning to sway
In our direction.
How hard they try, but, O my! 'tis too high,
They can ne'er catch up with us any more.
O now just look at that score
And sing for joy .
Our glorious banner waves on high.
Folds of white and blue are streaming
And our star of fortune in the sky,
Like the noon-day sun is beaming.
And our hearts beat true to our college,
To its name may its sons be ever true.
Long live its glorious name!
Long live its glorious name!
We'll rise, we'll rise and shout.
And shout for dear B. Y. U.
On, on to victory !
Hark! the signal trumpet calls us forth
To the field of fame and glory,
Where the haughty foemen from the North
Will be taught this truthful story :
That our flag which so proudly is waving
The folds of the dear White and Blue,
Shall never kiss the dust!
Shall never kiss the dust !
While life, while life, and strength,
And strength, and being shall last,
We'll fight for victory!
Who has the team now?
Who has the team now?
Who has the Grand old
Rah ! Rah ! Rah !
We have the team now,
We have the team now,
We have the grand old team.
B. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Y. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!
U. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Utah B. Y.
Utah B. Y.
B. Y. U.
Ach Du Ueber
Ach du lieber B ! Y ! U !
B! Y! U! B! Y! U
Ach du lieber. Rah! Rah! Rah I
Alles ist schoen
Du kaempfest und siegest
Die ehre du "kriegest" O !
Ach du lieber. Rah ! Rah ! Rah
Alles ist schoen !
Alles ist schoen !
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
SIII(D(0)jL g(Q)2f ^g ^mW) "^lEM^i
^©llm^® B©m.<s
All hail the College that we love
At the throne, the throne of wisdom's sway,
Oh, let us lift our songs above
The thronging multitude today.
No pride of riches here may sue ;
The head, the heart, the hand,
United must be true —
Be true to thee, our White and Blue,
When they join our happy band.
Then cheer anew for the B. Y. U.
We've come to work, to live to do ;
We'll raise the standard — bear it through;
Our hearts are true to the B. Y. U.
There is no emblem half so sweet
As our colors, colors pure and true.
There is no banner that we greet
Like thee, our dear old White and Blue.
No youth its beauty e'er denies;
Such thought no maid allows,
For Blue is in her eyes.
For Blue is in her bonnie eyes,
And of white her thoughtful brow.
B. Y. B. Y.
B. Y. B. Y.
B. Y. B. Y.
There's nothing the matter with us
There's nothing the matter with us
There's nothing the matter with us
Rah ! Rah !
Rah ! Rah !
There's nothing the matter with us. Rah ! Rah !
There's nothing the matter with us. Rah ! Rah !
There's nothing the matter with us. Rah ! Rah !
We've got the team, boys.
Nothing but the cream, boys.
Rah ! Hipooray !
Hiphurrah-rah-rah !
Hiphurrah-rah-rah !
Hiphurrah-rah-rah !
B. Y. B. Y. There's nothing the matter with us!
B. Y. B. Y. There's nothing the matter with us!
B. Y. B. Y. There's nothing the matter with us!
at the white. Rah ! Rah !
at the blue, Rah ! Rah !
at the team, the team, the team !
at the white, the white, the white !
at the blue, the blue, the blue !
at the B !
at the Y !
at the U! Rah! Rah!
When a body
Meets our "squaddy"
On the old gym floor,
And our "squaddy"
Beats a body.
There ain't nobody more.
When our "squaddy"
Beats a body.
Makes a body sore.
There ain't no shoddy
In our "squaddy,"
They're B. Y. to the core.
Y Ya Ya Ya
Y Ya Ya Ya
Y Ya Ya Ya
Break it up!
Break it up!
Y Ya Ya Ya
Y Ya Ya Ya
Y Ya Ya Ya
Break it up!
Tlis B. Yl. 17-. Ij^^sstlhi Cdtitsb
HE Brigham Young University has the oldest Lyceum Bureau in the
state. It really dates from the beginning of the Institution, and in
the early days was known as the Polysophical Society. Lectures or
recitals were then given every Friday night. In the main the lec-
tures were given by members of the Faculty or by men resident withirt the state.
In the year 1896 the first man of prominence was brought from abroad, when
William Jennings Bryan was introduced. From then on the course grew rapidly.
For the past seven years the regular course has included eight numbers each
year, and as a rule some extras. This year (1912-13) we have had four extra
numbers. During the history of the course we have had about one hundred dis-
tinguished men and women from all over the world appear. Among them such
men as W. J. Bryan, Geo. R. Wendling, David Starr Jordan, Richmond P. Hob-
son, Senator Thos. P. Gore, Elbert Hubbard, Captain Roald Amundson, Jerome
K. Jerome, Russell H. Conwell. Jacob A. Riis, Homer Davenport, S. H. Clark,
Father Vaughn, A. E. Winship, and such musical attractions as Leopold God-
osky. Alexander Heinneman, Alfred Hile Bergen, Alexander Van Fielitz, Jean
Von Ardt, Ignace Haroldi, and Karl Klein.
If the past may be regarded as a prophecy of the future, great things can be
roi.K VAl'l.TINT.
wuu -j^taer-sguu ^uu-ssat^ ^uu -^t^ ^i
0m aima iHater
jFloating in ttjr ijrff5t of proniist
?Kaabcs ttK banner ^Ujitr anb ILMut,
^s a ctjaste anb ctjoscn spmbol
€>f a greater iB. ©. ?H..
Greater m tije ficlb of serbice,
^bJifter in its npUjarb fligtjt,
winning Untf) increasing splenbor,
^tjebbmg forttj a purer ligljt.
^reat anb migf)tp toere tfje fjeroes
Cl)at t)abe libeb anb hit^ for Cfjee,
Jfaitljful to tf)e sacreb mission
Cljat becreeb tfjp bestinp,
Hobing Cfjee, a tjelpless infant,
Crpmg for tfjp bailp breab,
^raping for tlje boon of libing
W\\)tn all mortal t)ope fjab fleb.
Clinging fonblp to tlje promise
tKtjat tf)e ^olp Spirit gabe,
iBeating back tfje gloomp s!)abob)S
(^atijereb rounb ttjp open grabe,
Ringing psalms of praise anb glorp
Wii)m tf)p Soul tuas boUieb toiti) grief,
Mlorfeing out tfjine oUin rebemption,
trusting m t1)ine oton belief—
tlThiS fjas been tte Simple Storp
(Bi our ^Ima iHater bear.
Cfjasteneb in fjer beep afflictions,
^\)t f)as mastereb boubt anb fear—
Jf rom tt)e furnace of t)er anguisi)
^t)e emerges fair anb brigtjt,
^itt a t)eart of tenber feeling
!anb a Soul tfjat's clean anb tofjite.
©ur aima iWater
mnb tf)c t)i£fion!S of i)er future
Purgt upon mp gpirit'g bitto—
3 tjctjolti t)cr in f)er glorp,
iWantleb in ttje OTfjitc anb piue,
fitting on ijer tfjrone of learning
in fjer majestp bibine,
OTfjile tfje pilgrims of ttje nations!
Come to toorgfjip at fjer gfjrine.
^eart£{ map breafe anb topeg map banigfj,
jFrienbSbip'si face grob) gtern anb colb;
Hobe itself become a toanton,
^U fjer cfjarmg exchange for golb-
Jf aitf) map gpreab fjer gaining pinions
^nb foreber tafee fjer flight,
^.eabing men in boubt anb terror,
^anbering tljrougt) life's brearp nigfjt;
Put tbere gfjines a star of promise
^i}at can neber fabe atoap.
Hifee tte ligf)t tljat nobj is streaming
Jfrom tte golben orb of bap
3s tte ligtt ttat toill be beaming
Jf rom tte Star ttat's ttroneb on tigt»
!lls a spmbol of tte promise
Ctat our Retool can neber \yit,
— saifreb (©Btnonb
h«r« cndctli
th* good book
^AUr l-AKEr
O LO I o
Sam Nicholes answered the advertisement, "How to avoid falling hair." This
was the simple answer: "Step nimbly aside when you see it coming your way."
Willie: "Do you know everything, Pa?"
Pa: "Yes, my son."
Willie: "Well, is a freckled bookkeeper a spotted adder?"
In a race with time, why should Prof. Gudmundson win? Because time flies,
and he beats time.
What is a put-up job? The paper on the wall.
Welker, Jr.: "Say, Papa, does your tongue ever get tired?"
Welker, Sr. : "Yes, sir, it does."
Welker, Jr.: "Well, why don't you use the tongue in your shoe, then?"
Prof. Maw (in Chemistry) : "Brother McClellan, suppose you were a piece of
silver and I poured some hydrochloric acid on you, what would happen?"
Mac. : "I would precipitate."
President Brimhall: "Evidently, Dean, when you spend Sunday in Salt Lake
you do not go to Church."
Dean: "No; but I go to worship, just the same."
Prof. Rasmussen: "Beeley, what is the spine?"
Arthur: "It is a long, limber bone with your head resting on one end, while
you sit on the other."
A good example of an hyperbole in English is one of Prof Osmond's Eng-
lish assignments.
Norma: "How do you like my new dress?"
Lael: "How do you like mine?"
Norma : "Well, Lael, to be honest, it reminds me of a Roman amphitheatre
— plent of room.
Miss Reynolds (in English 16): "What is the revival of learning and when
did it come?"
Leona Billings: "Why, it's a cramming for exams., and it comes at the end
of each month."
Merline : "What would you prescribe for a person who has fallen desper-
ately in love?"
Hattie W.: "Reservation (Uintah)."
That baseball player that died last week is reported to have gone below. On
his arrival there he inquired as to what was doing in the way of amusements.
"Baseball every afternoon," answered the Devil.
"Good," said the player, "but this cannot be hell."
"Yes it is," answered his satanic majesty, "the home team always gets beat."
Prof. Hinckley (at the postofiice in Springville) : "My mail, please."
Postmaster: "Name, please?"
Prof. Hinckley: "Why, it's on the letter, you crank!"
If students who have abused a privilege in not purchasing a year book, think
themselves peaches, their mothers did not know to preserve fruit.
High Class
and Motion
Everything in Dry Goods,
Cloaks and Suits
45 to 51 Academy Avenue
Prove, Utah
The Best that's Made and the Cheapest that's
Good. Our Goods Look Better and Cost
No More.
Jesse M. Harmon, President
Joseph W. Dunn, Secretary and Mzinager
Utah Timber and Coal Company, Inc.
Down Town Office State Bank of Prove; Alva Nelson, Agent
Yard 160 W. Fifth North St.
Phone 232
OU will always find on hand awaiting your inspection a com-
plete line of dry goods, shoes and notions. We also carry a
full line of Furniture, Hardware, Jewelry, Crockery, and
Music. Our line of goods has been especially and carefully
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the very best quality, and at the lowest prices.
It will pay you to call on us before you purchase.
Manufacturers of
You now want some good,
taining, refreshing reading.
Our "GOOD BOOKS" will fill you
with satisfaction and pleasure — besides
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Send us your orders.
They'll have our careful attention.
The Best Place to buy the Best
Books at the Best Prices is the
44-46 E. So. Temple
Salt Lake City
We Congratulate
The students of the B. Y. U. upon their successful
e forts in publishing such a handsome year hook. It
breathes the breath of integrity.
Post Publishing Co.
Commercial Printtrs and Puhlishers
Provo, Utah
Maiben Glass & Paint
Paints, Wall Paper, Glass, Pidures and
Pidlure Framing, Artists'
IVe paint anything Come in
The Deseret News
Book Store
We Supply all the Texts used
at the Brigham Young University
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
^tU&Ptlt 0 i'upplg
'Does not
J®lb sim^cl !B D a)k Printers
s. s. ^.
Provo Foundry and
ROOMS 3. 4. and 6
Farmers' and Merchants'
Bank Building
General Foundry and Machine Work
Mining Cars, Building Iron, Iron and
Brass Castings, Steel Jail Work, Steel
Tanks, Heavy Sheet-Iron Work, En-
Office Hours
gine and Boiler Repairs, Cast and
Wrought Iron Pipe, Modern Plumbing
and Heating.
5 p. m.
Office Telephone - ... 257
Residence Telephone . - - 82-x
Sale, Repair and Supply Garage
Phone 77
The steady growth of our business is the strongest evidence that we
can give of our careful management and courteous treatment to our cus-
tomers. We appreciate the business given us.
T. N. TAYLOR, President
J. D. DIXON, Cashier
ARNOLD DIXON, Asst. Cashiei
For Sanitary Plumbing and Modern Heating
477 We^ Center Street
Thone 109
on Academy Avenue
Mail Orders and Trescriptions
A Specialty
Fx'ovo Drug Co.
A. H. MAIBEN Manager
CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00
SURPLUS, $50,000.00
U. S. Depositary for Postal Savings
REED SMOOT, President
C. E. LOOSE, Vice-President
J. T. FARRER. Cashier
J. A. BUTTLE, Asst. Cashie--
You'll get this Satisfied Smile
when you wear
IVhere the Cars Stop
Special attention given to Mail Orders
Ifs Fun J II the Time
When You
Picture-taking adds a lively interest
to the most commonplace subjects, and
makes every little outing an occasion.
Easy too. Let us show you how easy.
■'■rcJ'-j -'
We Develop and Print for Amateurs
^■•■•.'...1, '"" •fii ,1 1, i
The Wonder of the age
For every member of the family. $1.00 a box of four pairs
Guaranteed four months. Single pair, 25c
IFE(S'i(gji;i(Bi? 'ik Ws^mmm
They do Say
The very best place in Provo to
buy Wall Paper,Faints and Picture
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ilnljnBnn faint $c ^lasB Qln.
To prove the superiority of our display of Furniture. If you are any sort
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the character of our exhibit. We rely on our Furniture to make sales
and customers for us. Come and see how justified we are in taking such
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?TRI\T, or\RTF.rTE IN DisnnisE
ilfanapn (Eatprtug (Ho.
Candies, Ice Cream, Punch, Sherbets. Everything Complete for Parties
Quick Service. Seating Capacity, 102. Sanitary in Every Way
PiinrfSB mh lElbn ®l|patiTa
Merchants' Breakfast
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35 cents
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Our Telephone is No. 2
You need no longer take time and energy to do all your
shopping in person
Telephone Us
Your Order
We deliver anything anywhere anytime
T'^iw. ipi^©¥© lEiM^immi^m c^©=
In the great game of life you're beginning
We earnestly hope for your winning.
We have faith in your pluck,
And we wish you much luck,
And will "root" for you till the last inning.
WHEN IN PROVO 5:od at the
. ir. dasgerf:e. z --:■.
ROOMS 35c. 50c, 75c 47 to 63 N. First West, Provo, Utah
artificial fruit ; used in reason, it is
the food luxury of the rich and
poor alike.
Our Orpheum Chocolates are
packed in a beautif"^ art box,
puffed top. assorted far.cy papers.
selling at 50c and Si. 00 every-
Our Candies are Concentrated Sunshine
We make
The perfume of the Flowers,
Essence of the Fragrant Plants,
Luscious Fruits, Sugars.
Mellow Chocolate and Cream
Eggs. Honey. Nuts. Butter.
In fact. EVERYTHING that'
Anycme sending us 10c in
stamps, for postage, and their
dealer's name, will receive a Beau-
tiful Art Calendar, samples, etc..
could win for us the trade of thou-
sands of the discriminating whole-
salers in all the centers of com-
merce of America?
DeisTS'! Hsws Book Store
HESE leaves recall happy days. Each
nook and cranny on the campus,
each student group, each pidure of
a<$tivities in which you and your
friends have played a part, brings on a flood of
That these happy hours have changed the
current of your life, that they have helped you
in the attainments of your ambition, you have
more than once evidenced.
Probably all this has come to you through
the suggestion of a single friend.
Have you no companion or acquaintance
who is struggling for the higher life? If you
have, show him the BYUTAH. It may starts
him toward the
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